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Thanks for the supportive messages and comments about the upcoming move! That move will involve not only a change of apartment units, but also a change of neighborhoods. For nearly my whole life, I’ve lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It was a wonderful place to grow up, and it’s still a wonderful place to live. I feel so fortunate to be so deeply connected to it. At the same time, my current surroundings are very residential and family-oriented. I love…

I showed up for my morning yoga practice this past Wednesday in a mini-spiral of worry. I’m moving out of my apartment in a month or so. The place is already rented out, and I’ve been looking for a new spot to hang my hat. Apparently, this is just about the worst summer in history to be trying to rent a place in NYC. Rents are especially high, and since lots of folks are moving back into the city, the application process is…

It’s time for me to tell you about The Vegan Week. That’s the name of my next cookbook, which will be out this coming winter. I’ve mentioned the book and all of the ups and downs I had in writing it a few times already. Yet it’s surreal to be talking about it in concrete terms. There have been so many moments along the road to its creation when I was sure that I wouldn’t, or couldn’t, finish. I started writing this thing…

Each Sunday, I publish a post that includes personal musings and articles on medicine, science, and the human experience. These are reminders that health and wellness extend far beyond what's on our plates.