I am thankful.

I am thankful…

1) For My Mom


2) For the biggies: friends, family, my job(s), my apartment

3) For New York City, for existing

4) For the sixty readers who told me how much they liked my Thanksgiving menu


5) For my clients, who inspire me with their honesty, hard work, and courage

6) For Melissa’s ultimate running playlist, which kept me moving this morning

7) For Pure Food and Wine, for serving the world’s greatest Thanksgiving menu, even if I’m not there to devour it today

8 ) For the Upper West Side of NYC — where else can you watch the Macy’s Day Parade from your rooftop?


9) For Top Chef marathons on Bravo — even if I swore I’d never watch again after Hosea won

10) For two solid, uninterrupted, and totally guiltless hours of pleasure reading (!)

11) For Leslie, who was the first reader to make my raw stuffing at home (thanks, girl!)


12) For The Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, who helped to shift my feelings about veganism in October

13) For the fact that book sales are finally, marginally, gloriously up this fall (keep it up, guys! buy a book, save an editor!)

14) For the foods that make my world go round: avocados, kale, carrots, tomatoes, fuji apples, and coconuts

15) For the kind folks at Liquiteria, who delivered green juice to my office yesterday when I couldn’t leave my desk


16) For Lady Gaga. My pop music cup runneth over.

17) For pre-holiday publishing. When else do we get new books by Lorrie Moore and Alice Munro in a single month?


18) To Gary Null’s Uptown Whole Foods for being open on a holiday. Cause sometimes, a girl’s just got to have a coconut.


19) For the childhood friends (you guys know who you are), who have been spending Thanksgiving with me for twenty happy years

20) For simple raw lunches.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Categories: Uncategorized

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Gena! I found your site yesterday – just in time to try those fabulous looking Thanksgiving recipes. I’m thankful : )

  2. I (heart) the new Lorrie Moore book too! Finished it on Thanksgiving weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. How much do I love that you have Lady Gaga on your grateful list!? Love.Love.Love. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. And we are thankful for you!

    [BTW, you and your mom are SO NYC! And I am coming in January for a wedding!! (The 16th). Hoping to do a KERF meet-up and hope to see you there!]

  5. Gena! this post really made me smile – its a true reflection of your character and personality =)

  6. You have so much to be thankful for- I loved your list.

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving Gena!

  7. I am thankful for your blog. (Among other things)
    I just finished reading all of your posts, and I’m so glad.
    Your blog is wonderful, and I’m very thankful that you write it at all, so well, and so often. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. That was such a great and heart-warming list! I live near Gary Null’s and am definitely thankful for that as well:)

  9. that is such a beautiful picture of you and your Mom!

    watching the parade from roof top seems like the best way to do it!!! how fun!!!

    this post was so sweet!! I loved reading.

    happy Friday Dear Gena!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. So well spoken. How much fun to be able to see the parade that up close and from the comfort of home.
    That raw stuffing looks awesome!

  11. What a wonderful list! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
    I’m glad to hear book sales are up! There is hope. Alice Munro is my grandmother’s favorite author.
    Thank you for inspiring so many people to eat healthily and take better care of ourselves.

  12. What great list, Gena. You’re so well-rounded in so many domains and I’m so thankful that your blog has been a little glimpse into the world of a person who exudes inspiration! Keep up the good work, girl! =)

  13. Such a lovely post! and it makes me want to work in the publishing industry. ๐Ÿ˜›

  14. i’m thankful for you and your blog, gena – it’s made such an important impact on me.

    and your stuffing was unbelievably delicious! even when my aunt started announcing to everyone, “oh, and this is some vegan thing that leslie made,” it was a huge, huge success. my corned beef loving dad went back for seconds. ๐Ÿ™‚

    i’m also thankful for new york and lady gaga – among many of the others on your list! hope you had a great holiday!

  15. That is soooo cool that you can watch the Macy’s Parade from your rooftop!!! Wow…how awesome is THAT!

    Your mom is beautiful!

    This was my very first Thanksgiving as a new Vegan! I survived!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Great list, Gena! I am thankful for the inspiration found on your blog every time I come visit ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. oh my goodness! our “thankful for” lists are sooo similar!! THANK YOU for your sharing your knowledge/recipes/and raw lifestyle experiences with all of us!!

  18. This makes me smile. I’m going to jot down my own list right now! Thanks for inspiring me:)

  19. I totally said Lady Gaga as part of my list at the table today! Glad to see I’m not the only one. Happy Thanksgiving! You are an inspiration.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well Gena. I’m very thankful for all that you have written on your wonderful blog this year. Keep it up my friend!

  21. happy thanksgiving! i hope your day was great :]
    love your list of thankfulness. i have to agree, number 1 (+my dad), 9 (especially avocado + fujis), and 14.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! I am thankful for family, friends, being healthy, and most definitely for New York!

  23. I am thankful to have you in my life, Gena. You are inspiring, intelligent without being a know-it-all, articulate, compassionate without being a pushover, and all around just an awesome lady. I wish we lived closer!

    And this one: 15) For the kind folks at Liquiteria, who delivered green juice to my office yesterday when I couldnโ€™t leave my desk
    God, you’re one lucky chica!

    And Lady Gaga kinda rocks, too. I actually play it in some of my yoga classes if I’m teaching a funky class. Def livens up the ole vinyasa flow ๐Ÿ™‚

    Namaste my friend,
    Enjoy the remainder of your holiday weekend. Here’s to more than 2 hrs of pleasure reading ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. lady gaga – agreed. she blows my brain away (and causes me to go on 10 mile runs that seem like 5 minute strolls)

    as for gary null’s…i am ashamed to say, what started as a fling has now turned into a full fledged affair…Whole Foods’ prices and well-oiled-machine-like checkout has me hooked (and i like it)

    happy thanksgiving. im thankful for your inspiring posts.

  25. Happy Thanksgiving Gina! I am thankful for fantastic bloggers like you! I think you should definitely think about doing a book recommendation list. I would love to know more about what you read/are interested in! I made a goal to start reading more often because it’s a passion of mine and I love it!

    Thanks for being you ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Happy Thanksgiving, Gena! I hope you’re having a fantastic day.

    Alice Munro has been on my “to-read” list for quite some time, yet I have nowhere to start. Would you care to offer a recommendation (or a few)?

  27. Happy Thanksgiving Gena! I’m so thankful you started this blog, it has helped me in so many ways. xo

  28. Happy Thanksgiving, Gena!! I hope it is just wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚

    And thanks for the book recommendations…I am getting low so will check them out, especially “Too Much Happiness.”

  29. Happy Tday to you to! Your menu looks better than ours ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, funny store, I am working on a talent show at NYU, and a few years back lady gaga won it–back when she was stephanie, anywho, perez found a video of her performance and put it on his website.

    anyways, see you soon lovey!

  30. Best “thankful for” list yet!! Love it.

    I’m thankful for YOU, since you’re saving my life.


  31. Love your list! And I am especially thankful for those foods that do indeed make the world go round!

    Happy Thanksgiving Gena!

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