Happy Monday, everyone.
This week’s menu plan features some oldies-but-goodies from the blog, including my red quinoa, pumpkinseed, and tahini salad. I first created that recipe as a post-bacc student; then, as now, I needed quick, easy, nutrient dense meals that would give me plenty of fuel. I hadn’t made the salad in quite a while when I whipped it up this weekend, and it was a pleasure to revisit–so hearty, quick, and satisfying!
Ditto for my zesty orange cashew cheese; I’ve been doing hummus nearly every weekend this fall, and this is a very nice change of pace. Coupled with one new recipe and some freezer leftovers, these dishes will nourish me through the week.
Here’s the plan:
Simple dishes and staples:
●Brown rice
●Black eyed peas
●Creamy cashew carrot dressing
●Zesty orange cashew cheese
Recipes and meals:
●Red quinoa, pumpkin seed, and tahini salad
●Roasted rutabaga and parsnip soup with kale and coconut bacon
●Vegan sweet potato and lentil shepherd’s pie (a new, holiday-themed recipe, which I will share on the blog tomorrow!)
And here’s my dinner plan:
Sunday/Monday: Vegan sweet potato and lentil shepherd’s pie | Simple green salads with creamy cashew carrot dressing
Tuesday: Roasted rutabaga and parsnip soup with kale and coconut bacon | Toast with zesty orange cashew cheese
Wednesday: Work event
Thursday: Red quinoa, pumpkin seed, and tahini salad | Steamed broccoli with creamy cashew carrot dressing
Friday: Leftover roasted rutabaga and parsnip soup | Toast with zesty orange cashew cheese
Saturday: Leftover red quinoa, pumpkin seed, and tahini salad | Simple sautéed swiss chard
So far, so good–and I’m looking forward to all of these eats.
Speaking of things to look forward to, I think the shepherd’s pie is a winner. I was so happy with how it turned out when I made it over the weekend, and I’m excited to bring it to Thanksgiving this year.
Tune in tomorrow for the recipe! And have a great night.
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What a pretty shepherd’s pie! Can’t wait to read the recipe. 🙂