Packed Lunch: The Care Package Edition


A few days ago, I wrote about the necessity of friendship, even in busy times. I didn’t expect the post to strike such a chord, but it did, in part because I think many of my readers know what it feels like to push away loved ones out of anxiety, self-loathing, or stress. As I mentioned in my post, this is sometimes my tendency, but I’ve learned that it does me no good. Maintaining the connection with people I love helps me to remain focus, centered, and whole. And, since isolation was always a hallmark of my ED, it is absolutely essential to my maintenance of recovery.

It’s appropriate that we were talking about friendships this week, because I happened to get a very special care package from two of my dear friends two nights ago. Lisa and Hannah, knowing it’s been a long few months over here, sent me the loveliest box of raw and vegan treats from Toronto.


Local, sustainable hemp seeds, chocolate from Chocosol, nori flatbread from Live Organic Raw, two containers of rose facial cream from Cocoon, and a cacao goji bar from Art of Raw. All delicious, local goodies from Toronto, which happens to be one of my favorite cities. I was so touched.

Those cookies you see are also from Lisa and Hannah—homemade with love. They’re a spin on Allyson’s butterscotch amaretti cookies from Great Gluten Free Vegan Eats, which I reviewed here. They are totally fantastic, especially with a cup of warm cinnamon tea.

I used the fantastic curry pumpkin nori from Live in yesterday’s packed lunch. Two slices, along with a salad dressed in sacha inchi oil and lemon, and a few of the cookies as a little dessert/snack. At the last moment, I decided to eat my little lunch at home and stay put to study, rather than going to the library, which is why it was OK to dress my greens right there and then!



And the cookies, hiding beneath my flatbread:


So tasty. And two thumbs up for the flatbread from Live: it’s absolutely delicious. Something to recreate soon, I think!


I can’t thank these two lovely women enough for thinking of me during finals and gifting me with these spectacular vegan and raw goodies! I’m so lucky to have them in my life. And I hope that, once things are calmer, I can repay them with something sweet from the CR kitchen Smile

Speaking of sweet, I have vegan gingerbread men coming at you tomorrow! You won’t want to miss these sturdy, intensely spiced cookies.


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Categories: Uncategorized

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  1. what a small world! The fabulous lady behind Cocoon Apothecary is a friend of mine!! I so hope you enjoy her products, she puts her heart into her work ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Marta, please tell your friend that I positively LOVE what she’s doing! I think the products are wonderful.

  2. I’m so happy you enjoyed the treats and the sentiment behind the gift. If you lived close by I’d make you dinner or pack you a lunch any chance I got – this is the next best thing to being able to show up at your doorstep with a big basket of nourishing food.

    Lots of love.

  3. i love how colorful raw food can be! as a visually driven person, it’s what makes me reach out on the shelf and pick something up to try. re: busy schedules…i totally think our culture (at least on the NE coast) thrives on how many things we can pack in a day. how we are constantly flitting from here to there and multitasking like crazy! it’s so nice to be able to finally take a step back after all that hard work is just simply be!

  4. That’s so sweet of your friends! Plus, all the goodies look delicious. I love to send “care packages” to my cousins since they’re in college and are very far from home – they always appreciate them.

  5. What a wonderful package, and sounds like it came at a great time. I adore those Live crackers,too (I remade the Spicy Nori ones on my blog–now I can’t wait to see how you do the curry ones).

    I know you’ve been working like a mad woman lately. . . hope you get a good break over the holidays and enjoy some time at home!

    Big hugs! xo Ricki

  6. Darling Gena, it makes my soul sing to think that you’re already enjoying these treats, and that you understand that they are a physical representation of the love and support Lisa and I are sending you each and every day.

    I will never stop saying, nor being, proud of you for everything you have and will continue to achieve in your life. Ten thousand hugs to you, and an extra one just for luck.


  7. Getting a surprise care package is always such a nice treat, especially when you don’t expect it. Everything you got look delicious, especially the curry pumpkin nori! I found something similar once, some sort of dehydrated curried nori roll, though I never got around to trying it. Maybe, since this has your seal of approval, I’ll have to get my hands on some!

  8. I am from Toronto (though living in Vancouver at the moment… And desperately miss these products!) Chocosol and Live Organic crackers are two of my favourite things! Chocosol has this AMAZING spicy chocolate. Highly recommend it!

  9. That’s so weird, I was just thinking how I was ready to make another one of your desserts after so enjoying the walnut-maca balls and chocolate pumpkin frosting and was considering the almond-molasses balls and thinking how I might add some ginger because they sound gingerbread-y and now, well I seriously cannot wait to make gingerbread men this weekend!
    Hope youre well and going to get at least a brief holiday this Xmas