Raw Brownies with Chocolate Pumpkin Frosting
raw brownies with chocolate pumpkin frosting
raw brownies with chocolate pumpkin frosting

As I mentioned yesterday, when I attended Beth’s superb Feastly dinner party last weekend, I wanted to bring a small token of my appreciation. I know how much effort goes into being a hostess, and I was so impressed with Beth’s elegance in pulling it all off! I decided to make raw brownies, which I love both for their taste and for their simplicity. The raw brownies I’ve always made are four ingredients: dates, walnuts, cacao, and sea salt. Easy and delicious. But after I made them, and was getting ready to wrap them up, it occurred to me that the brownies would be even more delicious with a little extra something—frosting, perhaps?

Having never frosted my raw brownies before, I wasn’t sure what to use. I could do chocomole, of course, but one does tire of the same old recipe. I could do a cashew or coconut frosting, but heck, I overuse those ingredients in my raw treats, too. I thought about using superfoods like maca or mesquite, thought about using banana in some way, and then finally it occurred to me that I did have a can of organic pumpkin sitting in my pantry. Was chocolate and pumpkin too radical of a frosting concept??

A little Googling indicated that chocolate and pumpkin play together very nicely indeed; just check out Isa’s chocolate pumpkin bread if you need proof. I saw it, decided that I had all the evidence I needed to proceed with my idea, and got to blending. This frosting was every bit as easy as the brownies themselves, and honestly, I could easily enjoy it on its own, as a pudding. Seasonal, thick, and just sweet enough, it’s a great way to use up pureed pumpkin that you happen to have on hand, to create a vegan frosting without Earth Balance, and to enhance your frosted treats with some beta carotene.


Pumpkin Chocolate Frosting (vegan, gluten free, soy free)

Makes over 2 cups

1 3/4 cups pumpkin purree (or 1 can organic pumpkin–I like the Farmer’s Market organic brand because the texture is nice and thick)
3 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/4 cup almond butter
3-4 tbsp agave nectar or maple syrup (to taste)
1 tsp cinnamon

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender. Serve on top of raw brownies (recipe below) or any other raw treat!

Raw Brownies (vegan, raw, gluten free, soy free)

Makes 8-10 brownies

2 cups walnuts
2 cups pitted dates
1/2 tsp sea salt
6 tbsp raw cacao powder

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor fitted with the S blade. Press into an 8 inch pan, cut into brownie shapes, and serve. You can easily cut the recipe in half if you like.

I loved icing these scrumptious treats:



And I bet you will, too. Give the icing a shot: I guarantee that, if you like pumpkin and you like chocolate, you’ll be as impressed as I was.

As a side note, I was delighted to have some frosting leftover after I made the brownies, and even more delighted the morning after I made these, when I realized that stirring a few tablespoons of the frosting into warm oatmeal is about as decadent and delicious as can be. All hail the marriage of chocolate and pumpkin!


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Categories: Uncategorized, Desserts
Dietary Preferences: Gluten Free, Raw, Soy Free, Vegan

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    • It’s worth a try! I haven’t experimented so don’t know for sureโ€”texture may be looser than the original. But if you try it, I’d love to hear how it goes!

  1. Looks delicious! Was thinking of making this for a friend’s party. She is dairy-free, but allergic to almonds. Any idea of a good substitute for the almond butter while still getting the right flavor?


  2. Those look amazing. I love the simplicity of the brownies and the frosting. And I pretty much always have all the ingredients in my house. I think I need to find a reason to make these asap!

  3. oh my, how gorgeous! Love the sound & look of this pumpkin choc frosting – something different ๐Ÿ™‚
    Heidi xo

  4. Hi Gena-lurker to your site everyday. I made these this weekend and even my picky 3 year old daughter loved them. Thank you!

  5. I can’t wait to make these as my first vegan dessert and give them to my parents! Mmmm chocolate

  6. Gena, I actually made this.

    Just wanted to let you know.

    Had some as a pudding and it was very rich but yumm


  7. Sorry it has nothing to do with this post but i wanted to ask what’s the difference between nutritional yeast and brewer’s yeast ? i bought brewer’s yeast flakes .. does nutritional yeast tastes the same ? what about health benefits ?

  8. I’ve been meaning to read this post a couple days now–so many things going on and struggling along.

    Yes and yes! I worry sometimes about the density of raw brownies, but non-raw brownies are often extremely dense also, and they are a treat, and raw brownies are dense with good stuff.

    Pumpkin (or any squash) and chocolate is an awesome combination! I love chocolate pudding made that way. I’ve done it with coconut cream, or nut butter, or even avocado! Also, maple syrup with pumpkin and chocolate is extra wonderful.

    Missing you!

  9. I LOVE chocolate and pumpkin! And that your pumpkin frosting isn’t overly sweet or “goopy”. I might have to make it just to stir into oatmeal, now that you’ve put the idea in my head. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Mmmm these look amazing!
    And I made Isa’s chocolate pumpkin bread into muffins last autumn for my coworkers. Huge success! They had no idea they were vegan!

  11. Delicious!!! I agree with Sarah above…you are officially a genius!

  12. I haven’t made these (YET), but I will be, very, very soon. ๐Ÿ™‚ The best part of these already is that they are instantaneous brownies. I mean, does one need more in life?

    • No, one doesn’t. Well, except maybe for coffee and kale. But give me those three things, and my needs as an organism are met.

  13. There was 1/2 a can of pumpkin in my fridge forever- now I know what to do with it next time! This looks utterly delicious!

  14. Oh. Wow. This was my first ever try at raw brownies and I’m in love. Thank you for this, Gena! I ate one brownie and now have to ignore the rest until my roomie gets home because I’m afraid I might lose my mind and not save any for her at all. I’ll just go take care of the extra frosting…

  15. Radical. I often combine pumpkin and chocolate (made pumpkin muffins and donuts with chocolate chips tonight), but that icing recipe is really cool. It even looks like icing. Just radical . . .

  16. I was looking forward to these the moment you mentioned them in yesterday’s post and they didn’t didnt disappoint – absolutely delicious!!

  17. I can’t believe I have yet to combine chocolate and pumpkin! Those brownies are beautiful, it’s been far too long since I’ve made raw brownies. And next month I’m doing a raw dessert class for the library, so I should probably do it up soon!

  18. I think I’m just going to eat that icing with a spoon ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Any recommendations for substituting for tree nut ingredients in the brownies and frosting? This is probably not possible, but since this looks so yummy and both of my kids have peanut/tree nut allergies, I thought I would ask.


          • As long as there is no cross contamination, pumpkin seeds are a “yes”. And I like the coconut butter idea too! I’ll letcha know how it goes!

            Thank you so much and have a great weekend!!

  20. I made the frosting last night intending to try it on my morning oatmeal, to make it more filling without just adding nuts and fruit. But oh NO, the batch didn’t make it to the oatmeal, because I just polished it off while the oatmeal was cooking! So just do everyone knows, this makes a pretty good pudding. The texture is so versatile — spreadable, smooth, pudding-like. I think any mix of squash and nuts/seeds would be excellent for oatmeal or frosting or whatever. In my house right now I have delacatas, tahini, and pumpkin seeds — hm…

  21. It’s happened. I’m on the pumpkin/squash boat. It feels a bit like I’m turning my back on my friends and family back home, but I can’t help it. Roasted sweet dumpling squash completes me, and I think I’ll be making this frosting to eat with a spoon as soon as I buy more organic canned pumpkin at Kensington Market.

    You’re a gem.

  22. I’m amazed by that texture. I can’t believe the ingredient list. I’ll have to try it. Same with the brownies. Yum!

  23. I love the idea of raw brownies to begin with, but this pumpkin frosting sounds like it’s something I’d greatly enjoy too. I love the creativity in your recipes!

  24. This sounds delicious, could definitely see it topping some delicious chocolate muffins.

  25. This looks wonderful! I cant think of anything I love more than raw brownies (or.. I do love plain raw chocolate a little more actyally) and the frosting sounds sooo good!
    Must try this ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Oh. My. Goodness.

    I mean, we have all seen and tasted the amazing delight that is a nut/date brownie – but that frosting! You’re wonderful.

  27. I made these tonight. My husband and I found them delicious! Thanks for curing my brownie craving!

  28. Lovely light in these photos. I want that entire bowl of chocolate pumpkin frosting. Okay, I’ll take the brownies too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Wow this is every kind of wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ I could just eat the frosting by the spoonful!

  30. I love pumpkin and chocolate and your brownies look divine, Gena! I don’t think I’ve made raw vegan brownies in 2-3 years! And you have me excited to make a batch. And the frosting. I live for frosting that looks like that ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Love this idea, so perfect for Autumn, and they look delicious! I bet they were a hit at the party :)!

  32. This is a fantastic idea!
    I love pumpkin, I love brownies and I love chocolate frosting so what could go wrong!
    I have noticed in many American blogs that recipes include canned pumpkin. I have never seen or heard of canned pumpkin in Australia. Does it does extremely similar to freshly cooked pumpkin puree or does it include spices?

    • Lisa, canned pumpkin can be sweetened or not, but otherwise it’s like a dense pumpkin puree. I always use homemade pumpkin puree instead, just make sure it’s not too liquid. The best method is to cut the squash in 2 halves, remove seeds and to roast it. Then you just need to scrape the flesh with a spoon and puree in the blender without addind water. I hope it helps!

      • Lisa, to echo Catherine, you can find it plain or seasoned. I always buy the plain, organic kind. It’s fine to make from scratch, but I do appreciate it as a time saver.

  33. Oh my! I feel like that’s all I really need to say actually hahahahaha! Seriously, that sounds so good right now. I like the idea of using nut butter in frosting. I’ve seen it a couple of times before. What a great gift to give to the hostess. Well done here Gena!

  34. I don’t have the ingredients for the brownies…but I do have the ones for the frosting! I think I like your frosting with oatmeal idea! I’m getting tired of the same old banana/peanut butter combo!

  35. Do you buy fair-trade cacao?! It’s been driving me crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t want to buy cocoa that isn’t fair-trade but then the fair-trade kind is so expensive and I go through it so fast!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

  36. I thought that the best thing that would happen to me all week was a new garbage disposal. You just topped that!

    • Lol! love this comment! Thanks for the morning laugh and i hope you receive your garbage disposal this week….

      I will be making this “frosting” asap! Mmmm