Raw Chocolate Avocado Pudding (“Chocomole”)

It’s been raining, off and on, but almost always on, for the better part of a month. Summer doesn’t quite feel like summer yet, which means I’m eager for recipes that lift my spirits. This one—raw chocolate avocado pudding, otherwise lovingly known to me as “chocomole”—is a favorite.

Chocolate avocado pudding is a staple in any raw food lover’s bastion of favorite desserts. And unlike most raw desserts, it only takes about ten minutes from start to finish. It’s an easy, last-minute dessert to whip up for friends, as a snack, or as an after-dinner pick-me-up. It’s full of healthy fats and antioxidants from cocoa, which makes it a dessert with some benefits. And no matter how offbeat the use of avocado as a dessert base sounds, it’s crowd-pleasing: even my mom is a fan!

You can use any cocoa or cacao powder in your chocomole: certainly doesn’t have to be raw. I’ve tried a few different brands, all with good results. For sweetening, I like to use either dates or agave/maple syrup. The latter is a lot better if you’re working with a food processor, as it blends up easily. The former is good if you have a high-speed blender, and it means that you can add some magnesium and fiber to the dish with the use of a nutritive sweetener.

Here’s the recipe!

Raw Chocolate Avocado Pudding (“Chocomole”)
Recipe Type: dessert
Cuisine: gluten free, soy free, tree nut free, no oil
Author: Gena Hamshaw
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 3-4 servings
  • 1 large, ripe Hass avocado, pitted
  • 4-5 large, pitted medjool dates, soaked in warm water for an hour and then drained, or 4-5 tablespoons maple syrup (adjust to taste—I prefer the pudding to be a little sweeter)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1/3-1/2 cup water
  1. Add the avocado, dates or syrup, cocoa, vanilla, salt, and 1/3 cup water to a food processor fitted with the S blade or to a high speed blender. Blend or process until the mixture is completely smooth; if using a food processor, you may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl a few times as you blend.
  2. If you need to add extra water, do so by the tablespoon until the mixture has the consistency of chocolate mousse. Serve.

I challenge you to have a gloomy day after sampling this chocolately goodness!

Take that, rain!!!

Get blending, people. Happy Sunday!


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Categories: Raw Desserts, Sauces
Dietary Preferences: Gluten Free, No Oil, Raw, Soy Free, Tree Nut Free, Vegan
Recipe Features: 30 Minute or Less, Quick & Easy

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  1. I am obsessed with this recipe. It is so delicious and satisfies my sweet craving without any guilt. I substituted almond milk for the water, used Dutch cocoa powder, and I added a little cinnamon. My kids love it!! Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Just made this recipe. Simply delicious. Thank you so much: it’s sweet with a strong chocolate flavour. Wow, I’m impressed!

  3. Good advice: please place the actual recipe in the start of the post, to avoid confusion for readers

  4. Thank you SO MUCH for this recipe! I had been searching on Pinterest for a recipe for Chocolate Avocado Pudding and found so many recipes that had way too many ingredients in them — plus the addition of things like bananas, or chocolate, or honey, or agave. I wanted something simple! I made yours and completely fell in love with it. I was never a huge avocado fan, but this pudding is perfect! I put it in the fridge and grab a spoonful once in a while. It’s wonderfully rich and curbs that chocolate craving and the healthy fats help curb my hunger. On my second batch (I intend on making this ALL THE TIME now), I added some orange zest and the juice of one orange and it still tastes amazing. Thank you for sharing such a simple recipe! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I tried this just now, and I can’t taste anything but avocado. I added another T of cocoa. Then I added a swig of maple syrup, and about a t of honey. Still, all I taste is avocado (which I normally love). I am thinking it would taste good as a banana or apple dip, though.

  6. I made a different version of this recipe a while back and it had too much chocolate in it. Not good at all. But your version seems much better. I plan on trying it.

  7. I eat mostly raw, but I have a couple of allergies. Even though there are only a few…it’s half of a typical raw menu. LOL I can’t eat almonds, hazelnuts soy or any grains except for rye. I LOVE LOVE LOVE avocadoes and i am definitely going to make this, but I have to do it at nighttime because they make me so tired I can’t open my eyes. Not sure why. I feel narcoleptic every time I eat avocado, watermelon or grapes. This recipe totally seems worth it though!!

  8. I tried this recipe a few weeks ago and now it has become a staple dessert for me. I absolutely love it! Thanks for posting.
    I linked to your blog, you should check mine out: kelly-izzo.blogspot.com

  9. Dont you know that chocolates can improve the quality of your skin? and Improve breathing problems..What you take into your body determines how your body will function.

  10. Just made some that time! Used a combo of maple butter and syrup (didn’t have any dates) My mom couldn’t get over how delicious it was. “its tastes like homemade pudding, I can’t believe theres no milk” was her response. nom nom nom ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. YumyumyumyumYUM! I made this last night and it was outstanding. A few notes: first, I will definitely soak my dates next time. They took a long time and many scrapings to break down without soaking. Second, the recipe above says to add all ingredients to the food processor…but Gena, I think you mean add everything BUT the water, right? I added *everything,* and when I turned on the processor, the combo of the hard dates and the water made the processor leak and fling chocolate water all over me and my kitchen! Ooops! ๐Ÿ˜€ I also used 8 dates as well as some agave, as my cocoa powder was totally unsweetened, and added an extra 1/2 avocado to make it nice and thick.

    Topped it all with some fresh mulberries and a mint sprig. DELICIOUS!


  12. I wonder how this would be with banana as instead of dates to sweeten it and give some added flavor. Mmmm chocolate banana…we’ll see tomorrow!

  13. Really Gena…did you have to link back to this? lol Actually I should be thanking you, heheh Definitely on my list of TO DO’s now =)

  14. I am basically addicted to this by now – thanks for sharing the recipe, it’s so good!

  15. Hey Gena!

    I just made this (after making some of your Butternut Squash dressing <3 ) and it is amazing.. except the dates didn’t work as well as using Raw Agave Nectar. I had to add some at the end. AND… if you are using Raw Cacao powder, it’s 4 tbsps.. just like Cocoa powder, 2 isn’t enough. 4 is perfect. I would say with about 1/4 cup Raw Agave… AMAZING! My mom is afraid of trying things i make, and she tried it and liked it! It’s chilling in the fridge now, and I must say, I decided to go 100% raw to lose some weight, instead of doing the Lemonade Master cleanse. Um YAY? haha.BNT squash dressing is AMAZING too! perfect for my OG kale i just bought from whole foods. My cousin from CO is coming over tomorrow (i live in Chicago) and He is High Raw (not vegan though) and I told him I”ve made some Raw Vegan recipes and that he won’t have to bring food over to eat ๐Ÿ™‚ THANKS Gena you rock <3

  16. Holy Chocomole! What an amazing looking dessert! I’m glad you commented on my site, or I would still have no idea what I was missing!! ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you!!! I have GOT to make this

  17. this recipe sounds amazing!
    when I first read it, i was intreigued , as I though it would be cocoa and chamomile.. i think thatd be delish. I mean, they have cocoa and lavender!

  18. Gena I am so behind on your blog (and email!!) – I’m so sorry! It’s been crazy here with family, but I’m hoping to get back on board now.

    Your chocamole looks fantastic!! I’m going to save this recipe and try it for sure. I finally have medjools! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Gena, I made a similar recipe a while back–only I used 4 avocados and made a bigger batch, and shared with family. It was delicious. I couldn’t believe it!!! And to think… I used to avoid avocados. Shame on me!

    I was really blown away by how creamy and delicious raw chocolate pudding is when made with avocados. When I try to share my excitement with some people, I just get weird looks. *sigh*

  20. Oh my does the chocomole look amazing. What creamy, chocolatey goodness. I have not experimented much with raw cooking but will definately be giving this recipe a try.

  21. Wow, I am definitely trying this. I just picked up 160z of Cacao powder today and have a couple ripe avocados and dates just waiting to be used ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing this.

  22. I made this tonight after supper. I’m going to put some in my son’s lunch tomorrow and see how it goes. I found the 4tbsp of cocoa to make it a little bitter so I added in two large bananas as well to extend it. I also put in a squeeze of agave nectar and a spoonful of cream cheese. I know, I know… Kind of tweaking it beyond the lovely simpleness that it already was but… It’s in the fridge. I’ll give it a taste tomorrow.

  23. Hi Gena,
    Love your site. I’d really love to make this, it looks delish, but my grocery store does not have fresh dates. Can I use dried dates and would I need to soak them first?

  24. Hi Gena,
    Your pudding looks amazing! I just made it myself using my food processor and I’m having a hard time getting it to be totally smooth. How long did you blend it? I am trying not to add too much water because I don’t want it to be runny, but I’m wondering if maybe adding more water would help it blend more smoothly?
    -Sarah @ Seattle Farmette

  25. Ok so what is awesome is that I totally made choco-mole (following your recipe from previously) the night before you posted your rainy-day version! It may sound a bit strange, I kind of like eating it with my kale and romaine! um…a chocolate dressing? =) thanks Gena.

  26. haha you’re all so lucky! here in california we’re still in the middle of a heat wave. thanks for sharing this recipe- my mom and i made it yesterday. totally delicious ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Ag gorgeous Gena, this is an ol time fave of mine! Thanks for reminding me that I haven’t made it in a week or so! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Case xx

  28. this weather sucks. that bowl of chocolate-avocado bliss does not. ive seen that brand, too but never knew what the eff id do with a sh!t ton of cacao. now i know ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Yum! I’ve seen that brand of raw cacao at Whole Foods. I think it was a little pricey, but if I can afford it, I may shell out the bucks to make this for my raw dessert next raw Tuesday.

  30. Sorry about the crappy weather. Come here to Sunny Southern California- we’ve got more than enough summer weather for ya. Although I can’t recommend So. Cal. for any other reason, unless you go to Santa Monica and only Santa Monica.

    Wow I never knew Jason Mraz was a vegetarian, none the less a high raw vegan. Sweet!

    I made an avocado based chocolate pudding recently and my mom was stunned to learn there was avocado in it. But she loves avocados. Now I need to make it for my avocado (make than most things green or any veg) hating little brother.

  31. Anything that involves chocoloate MUST be good :O). Looking forward to giving this a shot!

  32. Diviiiiiiiine. Any dessert that you eat with a spoon tends to get way major points in my book.

    I think I recall making a pretty literal “chocomole” as an oats topping one time many moons ago…like I literally did like guac and mashed avo with a fork, but with unsweetened cocoa and agave instead of normal guac ingredients. It was chunky so it looked like poopies, but it was way tasty. I like this recipe better! I’d much rather roll with the puddin’. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. I wish Navitas would send me a box of goodies! I’ve been quite raw curious lately and whipped up several of Ani Phyo’s raw recipes to review for my blog yesterday. I purchased some raw cacao nibs for one of the recipes and was looking longingly at the other raw products at my natural foods store, but couldn’t justify the expense.

    Jason Mraz rocks my world and it makes me so happy that he proudly touts his high-raw vegan lifestyle! I’ve seen him talk in interviews about his avocado orchards and his chocomole recipe. Thanks for your scaled-down version! If I ever decide to give avocado a shot (I’m a very low-fat vegan), I’ll start with your recipe!

  34. On a gray, too-busy, too-stressful class day, my mission is simple: hit the gym before going home this evening, and, on the way home, pick up avocados from Whole Foods and make this tonight! Can’t wait — my day just brightened, and I haven’t even tasted it!

    xo, Lucca.

  35. as soon as i saw this yesterday I went into the kitchen and made it. It was delicious! OMG!

  36. I challenge all avocado haters to try this recipe. It would convert anybody. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Yum! Check out the avocado pesto recipe I just posted. I thought of you, my avocado ninja! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  38. I am just about to have my daily breakfast of banana avocado pudding!(banan-ole?) (Equal parts of frozen banana chunks and avocado…. yum!)
    It is ironic that I stumble upon this now. :o)

    Chocomole.. that just tickles my funny bone. Glad you’ve found a way to beat the rainy day dreariness. As always, thanks for sharing insightful and inspiring information. Take care!

    OH! Gena, m’dear, I must ask: how do you aquire such amazing samples? (e.g. Navitas, Udo’s, etc.)

    I am very curious!

  39. Mmm, so tasty! I do one ripe banana to one ripe avocado, add in some cocoa powder and blend. It comes out lovely, and tastes just like traditional chocolate pudding! I’ve also made a crust of almonds and dates, and poured the pudding in then set it in the fridge – chocolate cream pie! So good.

  40. Ah, one of my faves. I make so many versions of this all the time, and it never gets old.

    Hope the rain clears up soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Wow, that pudding / mousse looks heavenly! I make a chocolate one with avocados, but hadn’t tried sweetening with dates, yum!

  42. Does sound like a great way to spend a rainy day! I tried to make a similar recipe once before, but now I see that I was missing the dates. Will need to try it again. Thanks!

  43. ooohhhh i LOVE chocomole! i first ate that a year or two ago, and it is sooo good! i haven’t had in awhile though – might need to give this recipe a whirl ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. This recipe is def on my “to make” list.. looks incredibly delicious, yet so easy. Thanks for sharing!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. As someone who has had this made by the radiant and amazing Gena herself, it is delicious. And I was terrified, I must admit!

  46. Holy Heavenly! This looks so good, I can’t believe I haven’t stumbled upon this recipe yet…seems a staple. And the Nativa products are so good. I bought a big bag of Cacao Powder the other day at Whole Foods. They carry a lot of their products, at least in Maine, but how lucky to get such a nice box of goodies from them! Please enjoy and I look forward to see what else you use Yukon syrup for. It seems just any substitute for sugar.

  47. i am feeling the same way!! but this would brighten my day, for sure ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. I know I can make this myself, but how about I come to NYC and you make it for me? I’m too lazy, and I don’t want to clean the food processor today. But I need chocolate, NOW!

    So sorry about the rain. I’m a Floridian, so it’s the story of my life. I generally don’t mind it all that much, but when you don’t get a proper summer, it must suck. It’s still 90+ degrees down here, if you ever need to get away.

  49. This rain is getting me down as well (along with the constant football game on TV in the background of my day!). I need to try this out, thanks for the recipe. Enjoy your Sunday!

  50. I am definitely going to make this soon! I’m going to try using coconut water instead of plain water. ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. Oh this looks so good! It’s too bad I don’t have any avocados or dates lying around :/ I actually tried something similar the other day with cacao powder, pumpkin, unsweetened applesauce and stevia. It was really good but not as thick as this. I will definitely try it. The weather is still pretty nice here though, no rainy days yet ๐Ÿ™‚

    And I had NO idea Jason was a vegan or raw foodist. That’s awesome, I love him. I googled it and found this interview: http://www.ecorazzi.com/2008/06/04/jason-mraz-raves-about-his-raw-foods-diet-rocks-the-speedo/

  52. That looks so yummy! I just made regular guac today, but this looks better. ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. Hi Gena!

    This looks absolutely delicious! I’ve had this before, just not w/dates in it or vanilla. Speaking of date, I noticed that you put “soaked if necessary” by them in the recipe. I didn’t know that you had to soak them. Please tell me for how long they should be soaked.

    Btw, love your blogsite. It is very helpful to me.


  54. Chocomole is one of my all-time faves as well! I have tried it with stevia now that I’m on the ACD, but must admit that cocoa is so naturally bitter that you need A LOT of stevia, to the point where I detect that unpleasant aftertaste it sometimes has. I’ve adapted by using about half each cocoa powder and carob powder. The general effect is still chocolatey, but the carob adds its own bit of sweetness so I can cut back on the stevia. Yours looks irresistible! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Ooh, that’s a really good idea (the half-carob/half-cacao). Thanks for the tip-off!

  55. Yummo! Totally making this ASAP. Thanks for including tips on how to make it candida-diet friendly ๐Ÿ˜€

  56. Hello, lovely!

    Chocomole IS famous because of Jason Mraz! Did you see the interview that Vegetarian Times did with him a while back? I was seriously impressed with how he takes his raw food diet on the road when he’s touring. In three days I’m going to be without my kitchen while it moves to Texas, but that seems like nothing compared to being on the road for 18 months while touring. (I’m such a homebody–I could never be away from my kitchen for that long.)

    Wishing you beautiful fall sunsets and apple-scented dreams ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Love this recipe, i am def going to be making it, have all the ingredients in my kitchen! by the way i love your blog and your recipes… ๐Ÿ™‚
    yes ugh this NY weather sucks today :/ hopefully this week will be beautiful and autumny ๐Ÿ™‚

    have a great night xo

  58. OMG I look forward to the Columbus Ave Street Fair every year too! I was super bummmed out about the rain:( I still managed to hit up the annual Olive Bette’s clothing sale even though they had to hold it inside rather than on the sidewalk.

  59. I love this dessert and Jason Mraz! My sister and I are seeing his show tonight in Portland, third row! So excited!

  60. This is one of my favorite raw desserts as well and was my first one going raw too! I love how you can do so many different varieties with it. I use Navitas Naturals as well, love their products! Your pictures look so good it makes me what to go make this recipe. I also like to make a lime pudding using avocado as my base with stevia. It is soo good if you like lime. I hope NY weather clears up for you.

  61. Ahh Gena, why did you have to tempt me with this posting…. I’m sick in bed and I have a feeling chocomole would perk me right up, but I am without avocados!

    I have a question for you as well, in case you ever want to address this in a future posting. I know you don’t care for tofu, and many raw foodists think it is practically toxic due to being overly processed.

    My question is, is it really so terrible for you if you are only buying organic tofu? I guess I’m having a hard time understanding how something whole, natural, and vegan like soybeans cannot be good for you.

    Is it better to eat edamame than to eat tofu?

    And is the issue you have because of issues with the soybean agriculture business…. as in, were soybeans grown 50 years ago in someone’s backyard equally “harmful”, and you just don’t care for them now because you suspect soybeans to be GMO, etc?

    Sorry for the long question, but I can’t wait to hear your response! Thanks Gena! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hey Darlin’ —

      I definitely have a post on the site about soy — just do a quick search. It gives you a good sense of my feelings on the issue.


  62. I had no idea that Jason Mraz was a high raw vegan! I love his music! Thanks for the cnn link!

    Love the look of that ‘pudding’… it’s been on my “to make” list for a little while now!

  63. Oh maaaaan! I made this as one of my first raw desserts and it was AMAZING! And it is true, my very omnivorous friends/one very carnivorous, loved it until I mentioned what the ingredients were hahaha. Most of them couldn’t believe it was made of avocados, the other one stopped eating it, after her proclamation of loving it I might add. I actually use the same brand of raw cocoa powder that you are featuring, and vouch for its quality and superb taste. I hope your readers start enjoying this dessert!

  64. Are you serious with this recipe?! It looks too good to be true! I must make this ASAP!!!

  65. OMG That looks so much like what I was making a few months back but I kinda forgot about it (thanks for the reminder!) and I was calling it chocolate mousse. Basically 2 avo’s, cocoa powder, agave and vanilla. I brought it to a couple of dinner parties and everyone was so impressed. Raw and vegan not withstanding, didnt even bother mentioning it with that crowd.

    Your recipe looks great and I have to say, I am quite envious that you got yacon, lucama, coconut oil, raw cocoa powder and nibs all in one shipment. Some girls have all the luck ๐Ÿ™‚ Dang…they must not have loved me quite as much as you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anyhoo…love the recipe and will be trying it just as soon as I clear out the raw blondie Sarma’s recipe macaroons I made yesterday.

    Oh and just one other thing…I was at this little herb shop yesterday and they were selling raw cocoa powder for $2.50/oz. So if an oz is about 1/8th cup, at that price, 1 c of their raw cocoa powder is 20 bucks. I think I need to stick with Navitas!

    Happy Sunday lady ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. yuck i hate the weather here too..so rainy, and so odd, it was so warm two days ago, now its freezing, dark and gloomy blah..hopfully the beautiful autumn ny weather will come soon!

    that looks amazing! i have all the ingredients, i must make it!

    enjoy your chocomole and rainy sunday! ๐Ÿ™‚


  67. yuck i hate the weather here too..so rainy, and so od, it was so warm two days ago, now its freezing, dark and gloomy blah..hopfully the beautiful autumn ny weather will come soon!

    that looks amazing! i have all the ingredients, i must make it!

    enjoy your chocomole and rainy sunday! ๐Ÿ™‚


  68. Boo to all this rain, for sure – it’s so dreary and cold outside!! ๐Ÿ™

    But hey, it’s an excuse to get into the kitchen to make that chocomole, so I’ll embrace the nasty weather. HOLY YUM!