Small Miracles: Green Juice with Avocado

green juice with avocado

I’ve been thinking of calling my “hurry up vegan” posts “stressed out vegan” instead. This is a hectic time for me, and I’ve been wracking my brains about what to post this week on the blog. I could show you a lot of salads, snack bars, collard wraps, and bowls of overnight oats, but you guys have seen plenty of those already. I could post a dozen smoothies, but how many green smoothies can we all gaze upon before we start to yawn?

Today’s post doesn’t really solve the problem of my culinary redundancy right now, and in fairness, it’s not so very different from a green smoothie. But when I made green juice with avocado yesterday afternoon as a pick-me-up between physics problems, it felt life changing, and I had to immediately share it with you all.

It’s actually sort of shocking that I’ve never thought to make this before. I love green juices, and I love avocado (really, really, really love avocado), so a marriage of the two would seem obvious. That said, I’ve always been a purist about juices: I’ve seen certain juice bars offer to blend green juice with almond milk or with fruit, and to me, that has always seemed like turning juice into smoothie.

The problem with drinking straight up vegetable and fruit juice is that it’s not the most filling snack. In a perfect world. I’d probably drink a green juice every morning upon waking up, do my gym jaunt, and then eat breakfast with coffee after. Or drink a green juice as a snack when I’m not feeling super hungry. But these days, my snacks need to offer me sustenance, and so juice alone isn’t always cutting it. This occurred to me just as I was sending a bunch of greens and pineapple through my Breville juicer yesterday. And, just as quickly, it occurred to me that I had an avocado begging to be used in my fridge.

And the green juice with avocado was born.

I’m sure that I’m not the first juice lover to have thought of this. I’m sure it’s actually fairly commonplace, and indeed, a little Googling suggests that it’s actually on offer at a few juice bars. But to me, this solution to the I-really-want-a-green-juice-but-I-know-I’ll-be-hungry-five-minutes-later problem felt revelatory. And it tasted absolutely fantastic.

I really suggest using the green juice I created for this recipe with the avocado: there’s something about the mixture of pineapple, greens, and avocado that feels like pure magic. That said, you can use your favorite green juice–any mixture at all, really–instead. The important thing is to combine your favorite glass of micronutrient power with the delicious creaminess of fresh avocado; such a perfect beverage for this time of year!

No fancy photos for this post. Just a simple discovery from my kitchen to yours.


Green Juice with Avocado

Serves 2-4 (2 is my own serving size, but I’ve been told I can guzzle more juice than most people!)

1/2 large pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into cubes (about 1 1/2 cups)
1 pear
6 large kale or chard leaves
1 cup broccoli florets
1 heaping handful spinach
1 large cucumber
4 celery stalks
1 inch piece of ginger
1 avocado

Juice all ingredients but the avocado in your juicer. Transfer juice to your blender, and blend with the avocado until totally smooth. Serve immediately.

It may have taken me over six years to discover this incredible drink, but now that I have, it’s the first of many. Cheers!

Speaking of green stuff? I’ve gotten so many messages from you guys saying you love the superfood overnight oats. I’m so glad! I enjoyed a bowl this morning myself, and thought of the readers who might be enjoying them with me. If you come up with any wonderful variations, please let me know!


See you guys back here soon.


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Categories: Smoothies

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  1. Remarkable idea to feature avocado. I too sense hungry after juicing. Can’t wait to attempt it.

  2. I just tried this recipe and it is fantastic, it will go into my favorites today.

  3. I love avocado, but the texture??? I’ve been putting Sweet Potato in ours in the morning, but the texture is horrible, flavor is great, along with the nutrition it offers for my husband and my health needs which is why I keep doing it. Does the avocado offer a better texture than the Sweet Potato?

  4. Just been in Indonesia where you can order “avocado juice” in even the tiniest of local eateries. Usually just blended avocado, but may also come with ice, banana, other juice, milk, or chocolate. Delicious.

  5. I know that exact feeling. I just recently tried putting avacado in my juice and its the best I’ve had.

  6. Some of the best avocado juice recipes are found in The Juicing Bible. Got mine from Amazon at a great price, here’s my deal for 44% off: – You will not be disappointed.

  7. This one sounds pretty tasty. I’ll have to try it. I’m getting ready to start my 1st juice fast ever and would your input if you don’t mind? You can email me directly if you’d like. Far weight loss, shouldn’t we drastically limit if not eliminate fruits from our juice due to the high sugar content? Also, is there certain times of day that different blends are better suited for? Where would you say is the best place to find juicing recipes that are great for fat loss? Thanks-

  8. Ah, that’s exactly why I’m not that keen on juices; not satiating enough. That said, I had hardcore green juice for the very first time this week. There’s a company called Reboot Your Life that I think is associated with one of the recent popular juicing/health documentaries… anyway, long story short, I bought a couple of their fancy juices made with celery, cos lettuce, cucumber, spinach, and lemon. I *almost* really liked it, but the celery was a bit too strong for me so it still felt a little hard-going.

    But I could suddenly see how green juices could be magical. Just without all that overwhelming celery…

  9. Organic Avenue has a green juice – I think they call it raw green soup – but it has a consistency like pulpy OJ, that has avocado in it and I love it. It’s really light and very green tasting. I recommend it if you like avocado in your juice.

  10. This is so much better than my approach of having raw almonds with green juice when I need a little more than juice.

  11. I never get tired of smoothie posts because that’s what I normally eat in the mornings so I’m always looking for some fun variations! I especially like green smoothies with spices in them! And if I ever get a juicer I will try this recipe!

  12. Oh yum. I bet this gives perfect texture and heartiness to solve that “I really want juice but also a snack” conundrum. Perfection!

  13. A small miracle, indeed! I often wonder the same.. what shall I post when I’ve got an assignment due tomorrow, work in the morning, and the rest of life to attend to! Usually I just skip posting, I’m amazed always that you’re able to keep your blog up with all you do!

    This sounds like a great idea, I do wonder if my regular blender will be able to handle an avocado… sounds like an easy thing to find out. Tonight.

    Thanks for posting, Gena!

  14. Hi! Okay, green juice fan like you. Avocado fan like you. Seemed like the perfect marriage. Tried it…ehh. I’ll just say…Different. Thanks for shaking things up!! prosper.

  15. this is great! i have been mixing juice and smoothies myself a lot too lately! I have a juice everyday too, usually in the mornings and if i feel like having a green smoothie too that day, i just juice a bunch of greens and mix it with the smoothie to give it even more nutrition. your recipe looks great and the green overnight oats too!

  16. Amazing! I love avo in my smoothies so why not in juice?! Have to try it xx

  17. i don’t know why i’ve never tried this?! my morning smoothie lately has been hemp protein powder, almond milk, frozen banana, some romaine & cocoa. i’ve been incorporating some pineapple in my life lately to calm some bout of hormonal acne (seriously? i’m almost 30). not sure if i’m stressing or working on getting regular again! i’ve been having flax oil every day for the 2 months ~1 tbsp and dig the taste of it in my smoothies. i’ll have to give this a go to switch it up a bit!

  18. Yes. Love green juice. My morning begins with a fresh batch of green juice. The avocado idea is a great addition. I like to drink a green juice post workout too, but I think adding the avocado to it will a great balance.

  19. oh i really love this idea! this is a very hectic summer for me as well, and investing in filling and energizing snacks is a must! thanks for throwing this idea out there- i hadn’t thought of it either! but it really does sound like a natural and delicious combination 🙂

  20. Great idea to add avocado. I too feel hungry after juicing. Can’t wait to try it.

  21. Brilliant! I too love pineapple in my juices and can definitely see it pairing well with the avocado. Making this tomorrow for sure!

  22. physics problems…boo:( good luck with those! this juice sounds like just the right picker upper!

  23. This juice with avocado looks amazing!
    It would be great for a pre-workout snack for sure!
    If I need a filling snack that will last me a while, I always opt for smoothies instead of juices but this is a perfect in-between 🙂
    Lisa x

  24. This sounds like a perfect summer smoothie! I love avocado–why have I never thought to eat it like this? 🙂

  25. You know what, even if we’ve seen them before i’d LOVE a post with a quick run down of what you’re eating these days. I’ve been working almost full time for the first time ever and my life is generally just getting busier than ever but I feel tied to the kitchen and need to cultivate some quick staples so I’d be really interested to know your tips fro quick and/or portable meals and snacks

  26. Get ready, this is bizarre…I used to be a reader, but then school and other things brought me out of the food blogging sphere, but I was reviewing lecture slides for a Physics test and recognized your picture. Haha!

  27. pineapple, greens, and avocado = yes…like a creamy both tropical and green smoothie, all at once. Avo + anything makes it more delicious and creamy and you have me wanting to pick up a few. I’m out!

  28. What a cool idea! I love avocado in my smoothies. I don’t have a juicer, but if I ever see the option at my local juice bar I’ll check it out.

  29. I’ve always thought about avocados in my green juice and then thought “nahhh”. Now I will definitely try it, I have some avocado that needs to be used up. Thanks Gena!

  30. I’m so glad you wrote about a juice not always being enough for a snack! I always read things that make it sound like it should be and this makes me feel greedy or something…but I’m sorry, it really isn’t enough!

    I’ve never tried avocado in my juice before, but I’m now curious 😉

  31. I too, can relate to the: what “it’s all been done before” dilemma. This is why I think it would be difficult to only be recipe-only blogger. Fortunate for you, you’ve got brains, so we all keep coming back to see what you have to say because you say it so well :).

    I love this recipe, I currently have everything but the pear, so this is what’s on the menu for breakfast tomorrow. I’m crazy for avocados myself (my fave is smashed on a huge romaine lettuce leaf w/ some salt).

    How DO you go to med school & find time to blog? I’m impressed!~

  32. That looks dreamy… I’ve been saying this for about 2 years now, but I really need to get myself a juicer!

  33. I have never had a avocado in my smoothie or juice. I will have to try it. Thanks for sharing.