Happy Sunday, friends. I appreciate your kind words about my mom’s boyfriend’s son — they meant the world to me.
So in my last post, I mentiond that I grew up eating a little differently from most of my Greek fam. They were carnivorous; red meat made me squirm. They liked their veggies cooked through; I liked mine crunchy. They liked dishes that were salty and heavily flavored; I liked my food plain. Of course, there were things we all agreed on: my Grandmother’s spaghetti (which, even though slathered in butter and made from white pasta, was quite tasty); my mom’s wonderful broccoli, made with tons of lemon and olive oil; giant salads, which adorned the table at every family meal, and which, as the resident veg-aholic, I was usually put in charge of; and, in later years, my vegan baked goods, which totally transformed my mom’s conception of vegan sweets and treats.
So while there were things we didn’t all agree on — such as lamb, and the 101 uses my Yaya found for it — we did agree on a bunch of things. One of our main areas of unison was this: there were lots of mainstream American foods we didn’t know much about, and hadn’t tried. I don’t think I ever tasted a sugary cereal growing up. I had my first soda at the ripe old age of ten (ripe, sadly, by mainstream standards). There were no hot pockets or pop tarts at home, no chips or cheetos or even oreos. This doesn’t mean our pantry was perfect: there were other things, like spray margarine and Lean Cuisine, that were, in retrospect, pretty foul. But we were fairly cut off from the cornucopia of processed food that is the American supermarket.
More than that, there were lots of classic American dishes that we never grew up eating. Sure, my Mom made the usual sorts of comfort food dishes on occasion — veggie pot pie, for example, or tuna casserole — but most of our food was Mediterranean in flavor: grilled fish, chicken or zucchini broiled with lemon and tomatoes; pasta with pesto and veggies. And because that’s what we ate at home, that’s usually what we ate when we went out to restaurants, too. So there were tons of restaurant offerings that remained mysterious to me well into my adult years.
One of these was “surf and turf.” Believe it or not, I was twenty the first time I learned what this was, vacationing in a hotel with my father and his family. It sounded like such a fun dish, until I learned what it was: a side-by-side offering of steak and seafood, oftentimes fried. To me, that reeked of an animal protein overdose. Needless to say, it’s not a dish I’ve ever tried — I’d guess that many women haven’t — but the name has always amused me.
This weekend, I found myself with a pantry full of dwindling bags of sea veggies. You know, bags that have less than a real portion left, but are taking up space while I wait to finish them off. I thought I’d whip up some seaweed salad. As I contemplated that prospect, I also realized I had a portobello cap in my fridge that I hadn’t found a good use for yet. Portobellos, of course, are often called upon to represent “meatiness” in a vegan meal. And sea vegetables are just the closest I’ll get to touching fish. So with these two components at the ready, I decided to try my hand at my own version of “surf n’ turf” — vegan, raw, and healthful.
This salad is wonderful. Really. It’s salty, savory, and fun to eat. Mix the seaweed around with the kale and mushrooms, and you’ll happen upon lovely, intermittent pockets of flavor. Mushrooms, along with my hempesan, provide an earthiness, while the seaweed gives it a delicate and salty touch. The kale, meanwhile, is crunchy and a great contrast to the rest of the meal.
Note: every time I post a sea veggie recipe, someone asks if there’s a substitute to be had, since he or she hates seaweed. Sorry guys: the sea-veggie flavor is a fundamental component to this dish. So if you’re not into dulse or wakame, I’d say you’ll be missing out!
The process:
Gena’s Surf n’ Turf Salad (serves one VERY hungry person)
1/2 bunch curly kale
1/3 cup each: shredded carrot, cabbage, zucchini
7 grams (or so) each: wakame, dulse, arame
1 portobello cap
3-4 tbsp hempesan
1 1/2 + 1 tbsp olive or hemp oil (separated)
2 tbsp nama shoyu
1 + 2 tbsp lemon juice (separated)
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1) The night before eating: mix 1 1/2 tbsp olive or hemp oil, 2 tbsp lemon, 2 tbsp nama shoyu, and 1 tsp sesame oil together. Slice portobello and submerge it in the marinade, leaving it overnight.
2) The next day, remove mushroom from marinade, storing it in the fridge. Reserve the marinade.
3) Soak your seaweed (wakame, dulse, arame) in water for at least 1-2 hours. Rinse. Transfer the seaweed to your leftover marinade, and let it soak for at least an hour. When it’s done, remove seaweed and place it in a sieve; press gently to squeeze out excess marinade. Discard the marinade that’s left, or save it for something you’ll marinade right away; there should still be quite a bit of it.
4) Wash, rinse, spin, and chop the kale. Place it in a large bowl with the carrot, cabbage, and zucchini, and then massage the whole thing with 1 tbsp lemon, 1 tbsp hemp or olive oil, a salt and pepper to taste. Add a little drizzle of agave if you’d like to. Set aside.
5) Top the kale salad with half of the seaweed (you can save the other half for another meal!) and the mushroom. Sprinkle 3-4 tbsp hempesan over the whole thing.
6) Dinner is served.
Talk about treasures from land and sea. This salad is packed with nutrients: rich in iodine, vitamin K, folate, and B vitamins from the sea veggies; vitamins A + K, iron, and calcium from the kale; and protein, essential fatty acids, and more B vitamins from the hempesan, not to mention additional fatty acids if you use hemp oil.
In other words, this salad is a whole lot more nourishing than the fried, butter slathered original dish — at least in my book. So the next time the CEO of your company waxes poetic about the steak+lobster plate at a business dinner, you can smile inwardly, confident that you’ve got an even healthier alternative up your sleeve.
Hope you all get a chance to make this one soon!
Before I go, a lil’ giveaway for you all! I’m sure quite a few of you have seen giveaways for a $50 shopping spree on iHerb already. Well, I’m joining the bandwagon: Abby, over at iHerb, was kind enough to offer me a sample shopping spree of my own ($50 worth) and an additional giveaway to one of my lucky readers! What’s iHerb? It’s a no fuss, no gimmicks online supplement store, featuring everything from “superfoods” to baking goods that are allergy friendly. Other stuff that makes iHerb special:
1) 95% of Orders placed before 1 pm, PST, ship the same day.
2) Free Domestic UPS Ground Shipping for Orders over $40
3) Free International Airmail Shipping for Orders over $60 and 3 lbs or less
4) They sell products for up to 50% off suggested retail prices
5) They carry close to 19,000 products that include vitamins, herbal supplements, health food and personal care items
What did I purchase in my shopping spree? I picked up some of my fave MegaZymes enzymes; some almond flour, which I’ve been meaning to try out; and some probiotics. Basically, my supplements of choice. The items arrived almost immediately, which was a major plus!
If you’d like a chance to pick up some goodies on iHerb, here’s the deal:
1) Leave a comment on this post, saying one supplement or product you might like to try
2) For an additional entry, tweet the contest or link to it on your blog, and tell me you did
That’s it! Winner will be announced next Monday, May 10th. In the meantime, if you simply can’t wait to shop on iHerb, go ahead and use the code UGE458 at checkout, which will get you a $5 discount.
Good luck!
And finally, before I go, Diana recently reminded me that I forgot to announce a winner to my Sun in Bloom giveaway. D’oh!!! I’ve been so distracted lately. The winner of a complimentary entree at Sun in Bloom is #59 — my friend and soon to be hot mama Lauren!!!! I am so happy to pass this on to her. Congrats, Lauren! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the restaurant.
OK, kids. I’ve got lots to do this Sunday. For now, peace!
This post may contain affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission. Visit my privacy policy to learn more.
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I’d definitely try sun warrior protein and maca powder!
I would love to try some Zia Natural Skincare and Kiss My Face products. I have some skin problems, and hate the idea of using processed chemicals on my face (how often we forget how dangerous lathering chemicals on our largest organ can be!) but all natural skin care can sometimes be prohibitively expensive on my grad student budget ๐
I’d definitely get some new probiotics. I’m also really into greens right now. I’d love to get some green powders, as well as cacao and chia powders. It’s hard to get that stuff out in bumfk PA where I live!
I’m tweeting this, btw! Thanks for the recipe. I just picked up some wakame at this Asian market the other day. Now I know how to use it! ๐
Great giveaway! I’d love to try out some chia seeds from iHerb! ๐
I’d love to try out some hemp seed and oil i’ve heard they are so high in healthy fats.
I linked back to your giveaway here:
I would love to try the MegaEnzymes, and I’d probably want to get some Sun Warrior protein powder, too!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Never was a fan of surf-and-turf, but I’m trying this dish — looks very tasty!
I would looooove to try probiotics! I hear nothing but raves about them and everyone who uses them swears by their greatness.
I would like to try some maca powder!
I tweeted! (@hawkjen)
I love iherb and actually have ordered from them a few times. I would love to order the Vega Complete Whole Food Optimizer! I’ve been dying to try it, but it’s on the expensive side.
I’d like to try hemp seeds, liquid stevia and Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics (they are highly recommended) Peace and sunshine~
I linked from my last post
I would LOVE to try chia seeds!
What an awesome giveaway!!
I’m so glad they have such a wide variety of gluten-free foods – even cookbooks! I’d have to pick up some almond flour and maybe the Almond Flour cookbook too!
I am really interested in trying the glucosamine Joint Builders. I suffer from chronic Lyme Disease as well as having had a bone transplant. One of the big side effects of both is chronic joint pain. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
I would like to try Iherb and try something new that I’ve never had before! ๐
Id really like to try maca powder!
Alba body butter!
I would really like to stock up on some supplements to help me heal my damaged gut, supplements are so expensive so this would be awesome! Thank you ๐
I’d love to try Sun Warrior protein.. I’m not much of a supplements girl, but I keep hearing people talk about it!
I would love to try some chia seeds ๐
I’d like to give those probiotics a try. I’ve been using the same brand for a couple years and I think my body is ready for a change!
Greetings from Norway!
Thank you again Gena for such an inspiring web page! I go to it every day, and have several times recommended it to friends of mine.
The product I would love to get from iherb is Dr Ohhira`s probiotics and/or bee yummy skin food. Both great products that I can`t get hier in my country, and that would normally be too expensive to import ( because of toll issues).
My e-mail.: marianne.rea@hotmail.com
Would love to try chia seeds and coconut oil.
I spread the link love http://runtothefinish.blogspot.com/2010/05/travel-buggers.html
I’ve checked out their site a few times and they offer so many things I’m almost overwhelmed! One thing I’d like is to add wheat germ to my daily smoothie http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Wheat-Germ-Oil-20-Minims-1130-mg-100-Softgels/823?at=0
I tweeted for ya too @katliggins. ๐
I would love to try some of their natural toothpastes!
I tweeted for ya too!
I would really like to try avocado oil.
I don’t have a juicer yet, so in addition to all of the greens I eat, I’d love to try out the MacroLife Macro Greens supplement!!
THis dish looks so yummy! I totally have those dwindling bags of sea veggies in my pantry. Is there a way to make it w/o the oil or less oil? I don’t like to cook w/ any oil.
The hemp seeds sound interesting from iherb…
Wonderful recipe, thanks! I must try this on my hubby.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, I’d get stevia, goji berries, lucuma powder and raw chocolate nibs.
so I’m reading while planning our meals for the week and making my grocery list and your surf and turf is perfect, can’t wait to taste it, thanks for sharing your recipe genius!
I’d love to win the iherb giveaway, I’d also like to try almond flour, I think I’d also order our veg DHA flax oil and my raw b12.
One supplement I have been meaning to try is the Bragg Liquid Aminos. I’ve noticed a lot of raw recipes call for it so I’d like to give it a try but sometimes it’s hard to avoid additional supplements on the pesky student budget I’m on, so this would be a great opportunity!
And Mmmm I can’t wait to try out your new recipe, I love me some sea veggies.
I would like to try stevia and also maca powder….maybe some hemp seeds, too.
Thanks for the great surf and turf recipe…. looks yummy!
I’d love to try the stevia liquid drops, & probiotics as well! Your “surf n’ turf” looked delicious too ๐
Greetings! This blog has been a great resource for me, as a vegan starting to get interested in raw foods. Thanks for everything, Gena!
I am a college student, and an energy junky, so I really adore green-drink. I have been looking for a raw version forever, and they have one on IHerb… Sun Warrior, Ormus Supergreens. It is, “Made from the purest probiotic greens grown on high altitude volcanic rich soil” and…it is RAW!
I’ve been wanting to try iHerb for ages now. I would probably buy raw blue agave and maybe spirulina.
also tweeted (twitter id: @mayybeme)
I’m weary of buying groceries online, but I’ve heard of iHerb several times now and it sounds like a great online service! I just got a high powered blender, and I’d love to get some green smoothie upgrades, like spirulina, xanthum/guar gums, and hemp seeds.
Would love to try Sun Warrior Protein Powder… I’ve heard so much about it and this would be the perfect opportunity to check it out!
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! I’d probably focus on getting some shampoo, conditioner and skin care. I’ve been doing great diet-wise (organic, local, etc.) but I’m having a hard time with the expense of all-natural beauty products. Fingers crossed!
the almond flour is a GREAT idea…that’s what i’d get. i almost picked some up at the farmer’s market on Sat!
I can’t even decide what I’d get at iHerb – green supplement for my morning smoothies, chia sees, raw cacao, or a protein powder!
Hmm I think I’d like to try some kind of acai concoction. I think I’m the only one on this planet who hasn’t tried acai yet!
Cool contest, Gena! I’d love to try some raw agave nectar — I’ve cut way back on sweets and sugar, so this would be a nice treat.
Also, love, love, love your take on surf n’ turf. I’m going to make sure I grab some portabella mushrooms this week so I can try it (thankfully, I have everything else already). Yum!
hi gena! i am greek too, i guess i never knew that you were ๐
from iherb, i would stock up on stevia drops, anything coconut and lots of free samples! thanks so much for offering this.
I would love to try Sun Warrior-Vanilla!
I Tweeted the giveaway, too!
AWESOME POST! This meal is right up my alley! YUM. I am absolutely trying this ASAP. Love your vegan take on “surf & turf.” ๐
So many things at iHerb look great! Those enzymes you snagged sound like something I’d pick up!
I’ve been wanting to try chia seeds for quite some time; I hear they’re great in oatmeal!
Annnd I just tweeted! (@MayaHenderson)
Awesome giveaway! This was tough, but I’d probably go with the SunWarrior Protein Powder. I am constantly playing around with different post-workout smoothies and would like to give the Vanilla powder a spin. I’m currently in love with their Ormus green powder! Thanks, Gena!
I tweeted:
@thegreatgatzke win a $50 iHerb shopping spree from @choosingraw… http://bit.ly/aTiyhh
thanks again!
I have been dying to try Sun Warrior protein powder forever, but it’s just out of my budget. This would be the perfect opportunity to do so!
I’d love to try to newer Vega Sport Protein and Sports Performance Enhancer!
Wow – what an awesome giveaway!
I browsed the iHerb website for almost an HOUR – talk about a lot of choices :). I’d really like to try one of the HealthForce Nutritionals products – I’ve heard their powders are great to add into green smoothies.
Thanks for the opportunity!
blogged at http://mrna1.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/national-chocolate-parfait-day/
I want to try hyaluronic acid and CLA
retweeted the awesome giveaway ๐
I tweeted this: Win a $50 iHerb Shopping spree from Choosing Raw! http://tinyurl.com/2f24lnt
I tweeted about the giveaway! Thanks for sharing.
I’d LOVE to try some maca! Bloggies are always raving about it, I’d love to check it out ๐
I really need a new protein powder, but that coconut flour looks tempting.
I’d love to try chia seeds! Still have yet to try them ๐
so many great things on this website, but id like to try some raw cacao!
Oh what a great giveaway! I’d definitely order some chia seed, have been meaning to try it forever!
That salad looks absolutely heavenly. Yum.
There are so many things I would like to try on iHerb like raw cacao, stevia, and maca powder.
Your surf and turf left me drooling! I would use the certificate to buy spirulina. I’ve never had it before, and have been wanting to try it for some time now!
would LOVE to get my hands on some of that dulse!!
Thank you for doing this giveaway! If I win, I will buy chia seeds, vegan protein powder, and Navitas Naturals raw cacao powder.
This looks delicious ๐ I would love to order some more protein powder, since mine ran out a few months ago!
tweeted @healthypurpose
Great Giveaway! I want to try a god probiotic. I feel like it’s time for me to start including one in my diet.
Love the Surf and Turf!
Also tweeted! (leahmichellen)
I would love to try some maca powder – so curious about it. I’d also love to order a big tub of green powder.
I really want to try coconut oil.
tweeted! @carrothead
i would love to buy some protein powder or wheat grass!!! a girl can never have too much greens :]
I’d order the maca powder from iherb.
I would love to try the chia seeds!
iHerb has a ton of gluten free flours and products. I would like to try tapioca flour — I’ve seen it in so many recipes, but I’ve never actually bought some!
I would totally upgrade many of my personal care items to Avalon Organics (versus the cheap, toxic junk I often buy with coupons) from iHerb!
I would like to try chia seeds from iherb ๐
Just tweeted the giveaway too. Thank you for the second entry!
Way to take the elements on Surf n’ Turf and transform it into something awesome. Great concept. (-: I love sea veggies, but rarely do I find a unique recipe to use them in. (However, I never mind tossing some good ol’ dulse onto my soup or salad.) Looking forward to giving this recipe a go.
Thanks for the giveaway offer! I’ve actually been interested in trying Arame and Hijiki seaweeds, which are both available on iHerb. (Hijiki is a tad pricier than most sea vegetables… but I’ve been curious about it!) Those two items would be the first things to hop into my iHerb cart.
Great salad idea! I especially like the way you marinated both the mushroom and the seaweed. I’d like to put in my entry for the giveaway- I saw they had raw cacao powder, which would be the first thing in my cart!
I would love to try pretty much anything from Iherb, since i don’t really have the funds or desire as a college student to actually go out and spend at those expensive superfood stores. I need to try hemp, because I have never had it…. Also, your salad looks incredible, and I love sea veg; and I mean LOVE. Deliciousness!
Ive been wanting to try Dr. Oharas probiotics but they are too expensive!
I’d like to order some hemp seed. By the way, I went to their site to place an order with you coupon code mentioned above, but their site is telling me it’s invalid?
I’ve developed some hormonal problems (ovarian cysts, breast pain, etc.), so I would like to try some supplements for women’s health.
I am dying to try chia seeds I think that chia pudding sounds yummy
Just tweeted this.
Just tweeted this.
my iherb orders alway consist of many viles of NuNaturals Alcohol-Free Strevia, and occasionally Dr. Ohira’s probiotics.
Id like to get some castor oil as I cant find it anywhere here in france..???
I tweeted about the contest! (mmhoneycutt)
Great recipe! Haha, as a Texas lady, my ultimate surf ‘n turf is grilled alligator…but seaweed, especially dulse, is ever so awesome.
I’d love to go to iHerb and get coconut flour!
I’m so intrigued by the marinade for the portobello! Gotta try it.
The product I’m most interested in trying right now is the Omegazyme supplement. IHerb looks like a great site.