This week, I tried a new exercise: each night before bed, I made a quick list of the things that had given me happiness that day. It was surprisingly illuminating.
I’ve done gratitude journaling before, but this was different. Whereas the list of things that I’m grateful for is usually long and unchanging (family, friends, shelter, food, health, home…and so on), the list of things that had made me happy shifted around a little from day to day. They were much more minute than I expected them to be.
Some of what made me happy came as no surprise: yoga and baking, for example. I was surprised to realize how much daily happiness it gives me to make coffee each morning (and sometimes afternoon). Writing about it allowed me to discover that it’s both the taste of the coffee itself and the soothing act of swirling water above my Chemex that makes it all so pleasurable.
A certain pair of pajamas—which it’s now chilly enough to reach for—made me very happy indeed. Same with my winter comforter, which came out of the closet this week. I got very happy thinking about the holidays and realizing that, this year, I’ll have enough time and energy to get and decorate a tree (that wasn’t true last year).
It was also interesting to note what didn’t make it to the list. A few tasks related to work showed up on some of the days, but the lists contained very little related to my job overall. I don’t think this means that I don’t get satisfaction from my work: this was a short-term exercise, after all. Still, it was interesting to realize that so much of what makes me happy in the here and now are small, everyday pleasures: coffee, walks, baking and eating bread. Texts from friends. Funny emoji use from my mom.
I often hear that happiness is a choice. I’m not sure how true I think this is for all people, especially those of us who suffer from depression or melancholy. What I do believe is that, while we can’t always choose happiness, we can often choose our habits. And we can consciously cultivate those habits that make us happy, giving less energy and attention to the ones that don’t.
If you’ve never meditated on what gave you happiness or contentment within the last day, I can vouch for the fact that it’s interesting to consider it and to write it down. I often think I’m aware of how certain actions or routines affect my mood, but I’d never actually taken notes. This little journaling exercise functioned like gratitude journaling in that it left me with a sense of appreciation—in this case, appreciation of the routines and motions that constitute my life.
Wishing you small sources of happiness this week, each and every day. Here are some recipes and reads.
A great, mini-bagel appetizer idea from my friend Amanda.
Speaking of appetizers, I love pinwheels, and these look especially yummy.
Picture perfect gingerbread cardamom buns from the talented Tiina.
A gorgeous plant-based Thanksgiving centerpiece.
And leave it Hannah to make pumpkin pie even more appealing than usual with a buttery streusel topping!
1. I didn’t know that companion animals experience the placebo effect, too.
2. This article about cows that were swept away during Hurricane Dorian is an incredible example of resilience.
3. Via The New York Times’ parenting vertical, a fascinating look at babies’ cries across languages.
4. Genetic counseling is available for many illnesses. Now it may become an option for mental health, too.
5. I learned a new word (and learned about its meaning) today: trypophobia, or fear of holes.
Happy Sunday, friends. Thanksgiving recipes to come this week!
Happy Sunday! It’s been a busy, hot week here in New York. I had a full weekend of recipe testing planned, but the plans changed on Friday when I had a little kitchen accident and ended up with a bunch of stitches in my right thumb (note to self: take better care with the mandolin slicer). Fortunately, it’s healing nicely, and I’ve managed to get a little cooking done in spite of things. I’m having a lot of fun testing recipes for the…
My voice is hoarse from singing, and lots of it. I was at a kirtan last night at my yoga studio, basking in that awesome community and the friendships I’ve made within it. The kirtan featured mash ups of Vedic chants and contemporary songs: the Beatles, Magnetic Fields, Madonna. The kirtan purist in me was a little affronted when I heard that the program would work this way, but I’m glad that I kept an open mind. It was wonderful. Kirtan and yoga:…
Happy Sunday, all, and a very happy Mother’s Day to those of you who are celebrating today. This day has me thinking a lot about my mom and how grateful I am to her right now. I know I haven’t made things easy for her in the last year or so. I did a lot of soul searching last spring, as I waded through the mucky waters of depression, and much of that work involved delving into parts of my past I’d never…
Happy Sunday, all. This week seems to have flown by, but I did manage to catch a couple of show-stopping recipe links and interesting reads along the way. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I have. Let’s start with a flash of color! These mashed purple yams with sesame brown butter from The Endless Meal couldn’t possibly be prettier–or more appetizing. (Follow Kristen’s instructions to veganize the recipe.) I can’t wait to try them as a dinner side. Katie of Produce…
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You are such a dear. I always enjoy your weekend reading posts, and it’s such a thrill to find myself on your shortlist. Thank you for the extra dose of sweetness this week. <3
Hi Gena. I really like your “WEEKEND READING” column, I learn a lot of useful and interesting things. By the way, I liked the article about tripophobia the most. Tripophobia is not a fear of psychedelic experience, as one might think by looking at the name, but a desperate horror at the sight of the so-called “cluster holes”. By “cluster holes” we mean clusters of bumps and holes on the surface, especially when it comes to biological materials such as leather, wood, or even honeycombs. Good luck, I will look forward to the next release.
Gena, I loved reading about what gave you happiness this past week! It made ME happy to read it. Thank you. oxox
Thanks so much for sharing my stuffed pumpkin recipe, Gena. 🙂
Your words on finding happiness really resonated with me. I’ve been on a quest to find joy in simple things and to get off the hedonistic treadmill for a while. Dzogchen & loving-kindness meditation practices, as well as applying Stoicism have helped tons! For the latter, a few times a day I stop and think about how things could be so much worse (sickness, crashes, getting fired, falling out with a loved one, etc.) and realize how good I already have it 🙂 . They call it “negative visualization”— sounds counterintuitive for happiness, but it is extremely powerful!
Wishing you joy,
Thank you Gena for sharing my gingerbread bun recipe! I felt extreme happiness the day when I baked these, and I hope it shines through. Have a lovely new week 🙂