To-do list for the first Sunday of November, 2022:
Taking a break tonight, friends. Allowing this Sunday to be a sabbath, a day of rest.
Lots of fun food to share with you in the coming weeks! Tonight, sharing my love and gratitude and appreciation of your presence.
This week has given me reminders of impermanence, in ways big and small. First, there’s the fact of it being September, a time of seasonal transition and letting go of summer. There have also been some changes in my neighborhood, which is sort of crazy if you consider that I’ve lived here only two years. My local neighborhood Italian restaurant, which opened right after I moved, has already closed. It’s been a big part of my life, and while I know that restaurants…
For the past year, New York City residents, and especially residents of uptown Manhattan, have been captivated by sightings of Flaco, a Eurasian eagle-owl who was at one point held in the Central Park Zoo. In February of 2023, Flaco’s mesh enclosure was slashed, and he escaped into the urban wild. New Yorkers began immediately to spot Flaco, who was known for his bright orange eyes, around town. For nearly twelve months, Flaco found apartment building courtyards to sleep in by day. At…
Happy Sunday, friends. Hope the weekend has been good to you. My big news this week is that my new cookbook, Power Plates, is officially available for pre-order whenever books are sold! The on-sale date is January 23, which seems far away now, but the time will fly, and it’s incredible to me that it’s all becoming real. At this time last year, I was still in the thick of the recipe testing process, my kitchen a perpetual gauntlet of dirty dishes. It felt…
This summer began with the weight of my expectations bearing down on it, no matter how much I wanted to keep an open mind. It was to be my first summer without any graduate school classes since 2008, which alone felt major, and I was hoping to spend at least part of it celebrating graduation. I was also intent on it being a summer of rest and restoration, friend time and play time and free time. Having worked myself into a state of…
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Hope you have a well fed, rested Sunday with your mum Gina xox