Yoga and Me


Hi Everyone!

Hope you’re having fantastic weekends. If you have a second, please head on over to my friend Melissa’s blog, FitnessNYC, where I’ve got a little guest post up. This one is near and dear to my heart: it discusses my evolving relationship with yoga–how I got started, why I stick with it, and what my practice means to me. Most of all, I talk about the challenges I’ve faced on the yoga mat, which are a lot like the challenges that face some of my clients who are new to raw foods.

I hope you’ll read it, and let me know what you think. Have a great Sunday!


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  1. Brilliant! This post could not have come at a better time. I am just getting into Yoga myself and I could relate to this post on sooo many levels.

  2. Gena,

    Great post. You are a wonderful writer. I have just started to do yoga regularly. In the past I have just done it once in a blue moon..but now I do it about 4-5 times a week. I am absolutely in love with yoga. I have realized how important and healthy yoga is for us and I wish more people would try it out!

  3. Hey Gena! I read your guest post and absolutely loved it. I’ve attended a couple beginner’s yoga classes in the past and just thought that maybe it wasn’t for me. After reading your guest post, however, I decided to give it a try. I’m also a Type-A personality/gym rat/runner, so I could definitely relate to your “before” attitude toward yoga. Anyway, last night I downloaded a class from just so that I could get a feel for it on my own before trying another class. I was really surprised by how much I got into it; for once I was able to quiet my thoughts and be in tune with my body. It was a nice change of pace from my regular workouts, and it definitely stretched out muscles that have been tight for awhile.
    So, thank you so much for that post, Gena! Now I know that I can enjoy yoga as a complement to my workouts and to my outlook on life. I might never have tried it again had it not been for your similar experience and change of heart.

  4. Hey, I know this is off topic from your post but can coconut butter be combined with a starch like oats?


  5. I have to confess that I also had similar thoughts about yoga before actually engaging in the’s a hard workout!

    I made your zucchini marinara this past week, and my family loved it!

  6. One of the reasons that I’ve always disliked yoga is because it hurts me! Deep down I know that it hurts because my muscles are too tight from years of running and not enough stretching, and clearly yoga is a good way to deal with that, but I just tell myself that I don’t feel like 1.5 hours of stretching and that pilates is a much better workout. I guess we all live in denial of certain things we know are beneficial to us, because they scare us or force us to admit that we’re not really good at it yet!

  7. Why do I have deja vu? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Loved it, Gena. My workout mentality has definitely changed and I hope it continues to evolve as I do!

  8. Wow, Gena, I loved the guest post! It is refreshing to hear that you were so defensive about your previous exercise routine and fearful of yoga. I am experiencing something similar — I hear about the benefits but have been too scared to dive in, even though I know about Polly’s videos and YogaDownloads…and even though I already have a partially broken-in yoga mat. Oh well, I will take your advice and realize I can’t dive in too fast or change overnight. At least my interest is there, and hopefully I will get going with the yoga thing soon!

  9. Gena, I loved the posting! I am the same way now that you USED to be, although I am slowly trying to get more into it – just like with raw foods ๐Ÿ™‚ I fell asleep during a yoga class in college and have hated it since then, but I am going to give it more of a shot!

    • Here’s a deal, Val: you give yoga a shot, and I’ll persist with running ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Thank you again gena my dear! I love the post it is onw of the best ever on FNYC! Namaste gorgeous!

  11. That is a very beautiful, touching guest post Gena! I commented and I’m going to link to it in my next post. It is so awesome that you’d write it now, just as I’m beginning my own yoga journey!


  12. I absolutely LOVED it!! Beautifully written and I couldn’t agree more about it enhancing your workouts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. i really want to start doing more yoga. i’m a really tense person and i think that if i were to do more of it, it would be really beneficial. i’ll go check out your guest post now! and i’m going to add you to my blogroll as well. because even though i just recently discovered your blog, i already love it! i scrolled through some of your past posts and looked at some of your recipes…i’m so inspired! ๐Ÿ™‚

    have a great sunday, gena!


    • So glad I inspired you! I promise it’s nothing to be scared of — it’s just about battling one’s inhibitions.

  14. Hey Gena!

    I just came from reading your guest post on Fitness NYC and I wanted to say thanks for your insight. Yoga is one of those things that I always enjoy when I do, but many times the bank account and the more frequent practice I’d like to engage in don’t coincide with each other. Are there any DVDs out there that you particularly like? (Are DVDs even safe for a beginner like me? Since no one is there to correct my positioning and all…)

    Thanks so much!

    • Hey Alice!

      Sorry for the late response. Melissa is the DVD expert, but I do have one by Sadie Nardini that I like: Core Yoga. I also have an ancient Denise Austin DVD, but that’s sorta embarrassing ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. So funny that you posted this because I was just thinking about the two things – yoga and a high raw diet – and how I feel like I can’t grasp either of them as well as I think I should. I needed to read that post this morning. Thanks so much for always bringing the wisdom (and the laughs)!