Raw Cocoa Crackers

raw vegan cocoa crackers

Happy almost Friday, all. So glad this week is coming to an end!

I sometimes feel bad when I give you a bunch of linked posts all in a row—shouldn’t I be offering you variety, range, and so on? But since everything has been so excited about date paste (and the awesome things you can do with it) I thought I’d quickly share one of the ways I put it to good use this week. For the first time in many years of raw cracker making, I made raw cocoa crackers, using chia seeds, raw cacao nibs, and date paste as a sweetener.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

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These crackers really do have it all: they’re a little salty, a little sweet, a little crunchy, and a lot addictive. The chia seeds add some variety in texture, along with all of their usual nutritional benefits: fiber, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Whether you use date paste as directed, or substitute another sweetener (prune paste would work, as would pureed bananas, agave, or maple syrup, you can absolutely sweeten to taste. The crackers should be more sweet than savory, but how much more is up to you!

In case you all were wondering, these are technically raw cacao crackers. But to be honest, I think that “cocoa” has a nicer, more velvety ring to it.

Raw Cocoa Crackers (raw, vegan, gluten and soy free)

Makes about 25-30 crackers

1 cup cashews
1/3 cup flax meal
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup cacao nibs
1/2 cup date paste
Scant 1/2 cup water (or as needed)
2 tbsp chia seeds

1) Grind cashews, flax, salt, and cacao nibs in a food processor till finely ground.

2) Add date paste and run the processor motor. Drizzle water in until the mixture is the texture you want: it should be thick but not so thick you can’t spread it easily on a dehydrator tray.

3) Add chia seeds and pulse to combine.

4) Spread onto a Teflex lined dehydrator sheet and dehydrate for 3-4 hours at 115 degrees. Flip, score into cracker shapes, and dehydrate for another four hours.

The crackers have a fabulous texture, as you can see:

IMG_8637 (520x347)

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As always, you can bake these at 300 or 325 for about 35 minutes.

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Now that I’ve made a foray into the world of sweet crackers, I may never come back. These were delicious, and they hit that wonderful sweet and savory spot (from the sea salt) that I adore. Here’s to more chocolatey crunch!!

Here, too, is to a weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow night with a delicious high raw dinner recipe to start your weekends off on the right foot!


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Categories: Uncategorized

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  1. Wow, just made these crackers today and they are excellent! Delicious and wholesome. I dried them in the dehydrator for 12 hours and they are still a little pliable, but tasty so I am assuming that is the way they should be as opposed to crunchy like a cracker. Awesome recipe!

  2. I’ve got these babies goin’ in the dehydrator right now. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into one. Wonder what to put on ’em? Some nut butter? Smashed raspberries?

  3. Hello Gena! Is there a suitable alternative to cashews and other tree nuts in your recipes? We have an allergy in our home. I’m guessing any seed would work – like sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, etc. What are your thoughts?

  4. I am allergic to cashews what other kind of nut can I use to make these delicious looking crackers?

  5. These look great – I wonder if you could make them with ground up buckwheaties instead of cashews then crumble them up to make a raw choco cereal!

  6. Oh yum! .. I’ll bet it would be a good base for an raw ice cream sandwich!

  7. Oh, these look awesome, Gena! Now you should make some sort of sweet dip for them!

  8. Hi,

    Do you need to soak the cashews first?
    Would it be ok to do this in the vita mix? My processor is old and would not be strong enough to grind up the cashews finely.

    I have read that you should not eat chia seeds unless they have been soaked first. Do you need to soak the chia seeds in this recipe? I assume you dont or you would have put that in the recipe but just want to make sure before I make these crackers. Thanks, Teniel

  9. These look so good! I just brought my dehydrator out of hiding, I’ve gotta try these!

  10. oh hells yes. these will be made asap. i just need to pick up some dates! my weekend is starting off right: sushi + an hour long couples massage tonight! enjoy your dinner out!

  11. These would go great with some coconut butter! Or even sweet potato hummus. I want a dehydrator so badly, I think it’s going on the Christmas list!

  12. these look like heaven! i bet they would taste great topped with some cashew cream…..

  13. Oh, man! I have got to get a dehydrator. Those looks so good!

  14. Yum! I’m envisioning a sweet vanilla cashew cream to dip these in …

  15. It’s true cocoa just sounds way more gourmet. Cool recipe!

  16. I want to crumble these up in almond milk and eat it like cereal! With sliced bananas on top too. Mmmm….

  17. Totally agree with you on the word “cocoa.” It has such a better sound to it! These look amazing, Gena.

  18. “Now that I’ve made a foray into the world of sweet crackers, I may never come back. ” <— that was me about a year ago. And I've never come back 🙂

    These look wonderful. And yes, the do have everything, sweet, salty, crunchy….and chocolatey!!

    Have a great weekend and don't study too hard 🙂

  19. This looks like such a delicious recipe – they make me think of little biscuits we get here in the UK and drink with our tea, I’ll be trying these out for sure 🙂

  20. Look at you go girl! These look awesome! And I bet if you added peppermint or chai spice they would be AMAZING!!

  21. I love series of posts–I think they’re a great idea, as they really allow for exploration of an idea or an ingredient (and you get to use up the batch!)

    Love that these are made with nibs, so less overwhelmingly buzz-making, and they sound like a magical texture…

  22. Looks super yummy- I bet they’d be wonderful paired with your beet salad with chocolate vinaigrette! 🙂

  23. Oh my goodness, I want some of these. I bet they would make a great pie crust too!

  24. Bus this is *much* better, because we don’t end up with date paste/a new ingredient in the fridge going to waste for want of ideas of how to use it! 😀

  25. Mmm, these look great. I’ve been dying to make another batch of raw crackers for a while now. Do you think I could substitute carob powder for the cacao nibs?

  26. Sweet and salty along with chocolate. Let’s be friends, OK?

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