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When I tell people that I’m a dietitian, they tend to assume that I spend most of my time doling out nutrition education. I do of course spend a lot of time translating nutrition research into practical guidance. If I recommend something to one of my clients, I want to be able to explain my reasoning. But nutrition advice—guiding people on how and what to eat—is really only a part of my work. Another part of my job, and sometimes the bigger part,…

This week has given me reminders of impermanence, in ways big and small. First, there’s the fact of it being September, a time of seasonal transition and letting go of summer. There have also been some changes in my neighborhood, which is sort of crazy if you consider that I’ve lived here only two years. My local neighborhood Italian restaurant, which opened right after I moved, has already closed. It’s been a big part of my life, and while I know that restaurants…

Happy Labor Day, to those who are resting or taking the day off, and happy September no matter what you’re up to. September! I’m feeling so mixed about it. There’s nothing like summer, and of all the seasons I think it passes most quickly. Beyond that, I’ve been having a very cozy August. Hunkering down at home is usually a winter activity for me, but it’s what I needed this month. It turns out that summer retreat is lovely in its own way….

I’m still in the low-key August retreat mode that I mentioned last Sunday. If I had to sum up what this means, I’d say that it’s an effort to have some quiet, domestic, solitary time. What prompted this initially was small stirrings of depression: the telltale fatigue, the persistent sadness and darkening thoughts. I know myself well enough to know that rest and a lightened schedule can be very helpful when I feel this way. It’s often enough to draw me away from…

As August got underway, I decided to use the month as a kind of retreat. I didn’t have a clear vision of what this would be when I made the decision, and I still don’t. The past two weeks have had a staycation energy, though I’ve been working as usual. When I’m not working, I’m taking neighborhood walks, discovering local sights and sounds that I don’t usually notice. Taking advantage of my roof. Enjoying the less-boisterous quality of NYC in August. This has…

Normally I draft this Sunday post from my sofa or desk seat. Today, I put my hot cup of coffee into a tumbler, tucked my computer under my arm, and went up to my building’s roof to write it instead. The fact that I live in a building with a roof that’s suitable for sitting is so cool. When I moved into my current studio, this felt like a perk that was almost too good to be true. I immediately got to fantasizing…

I made a quick overnight trip yesterday to visit my best friend and her family before summer ends. My train was full, and on the ride up I was seated next to a talented young artist who’s also building an online business. The artist wasn’t only eager to tell me about his creative work. His eyes also lit up as he described the entrepreneurial solutions he’s found to support and sustain his art. As he spoke, I remembered how motivated I felt when…

Each Sunday, I publish a post that includes personal musings and articles on medicine, science, and the human experience. These are reminders that health and wellness extend far beyond what's on our plates.