Five Minute High Raw, Vegan Eggnog


Merry Christmas Eve! I hope all of your stockings are hung with care, and so on. I’m on the way back to NYC from Westchester (to see my Dad), and gearing up to put my Christmas Eve feast together at Mom’s. On the menu: a chard and potato tart, mashed turnips, and a big salad. I can’t wait!

In the meantime, a recipe I’m excited to share! I’ve spent the last week or so perfecting a recipe for raw (or raw-ish) vegan eggnog that is quick, easy to make, delicious, and authentic. I think I got it. I put some finishing touches on it this morning, and it got the seal of approval from the resident CR recipe tester (my Mom). May you all give it a try today or tomorrow, share it with loved ones, and bask in the glow of vegan sweetness.

Come to think of it, the bourbon may have something to do with the glow, too Winking smile


High Raw, Vegan Eggnog (high raw, vegan, soy free)

Serves 4-6

2 1/4 cups almond milk
1/2 cup raw cashew or almond butter (I like cashew for this recipe: macadamia would work, too)
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp maple syrup or agave (OR 1/2 cup pitted dates)
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp bourbon (optional)

Blend all ingredients in a blender on high. Serve cool, as is, or warm gently before serving.

Thick, rich, decadent and delicious.


This stuff is good. Real good. 70% of you have almond milk and nut butter in your pantries right now, so why not take this opportunity to imbibe the holiday’s most quintessential drink—vegan style!


Lovely CR readers, let me be the first to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas.


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Categories: Sauces
Method: Blender
Dietary Preferences: Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Recipe Features: 30 Minute or Less, Quick & Easy

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  1. Just made this ….it’s delicious !! thank you … ladies at work are going to love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thank-you very much! This is now our all-time favorite Christmas Drink.
    Sensational and incredibly easy. We used Butterscotch Schnapps too. So yummy! Thank-you!

  3. This is great! I just threw the almond milk, raw cashews (not cashew butter), dates and spices in a blender till smooth. Sprinkled a little extra cinnamon on top of each glass. My babies loved it, thanks so much!!

  4. catching up on old posts and I have to tell you I love this recipe! I tried it the other night and it was so simple and delicious! I ruined a large portion of it with too much booze (ooops!), but aside from my blunder this was just lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy New Year!

  5. I wish I’d read this before I went home! I have all these ingredients but mom doesn’t. I felt a twinge of jealousy when mom’s boyfriend was sipping on eggnog until I reminded myself of the cruelty. Putting this in the recipe ox for next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. YES! Love you Gena! Drive-by comment between one grandma’s internet-less house and another ๐Ÿ™‚ Have been enjoying “sweet and spicy” good earth tea mixed half and half with silknog (tea-nog, perhaps?) but look forward to trying this soon!

  7. The idea of eggnog always grossed me out to no end, but this version I could definitely get on board with. Merry (belated) Christmas, hope you’re having a great break!

  8. I can’t wait to give this a try!

    Hope you’re having a wonderful Christmas. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Merry Christmas Gena! Thanks for giving us this gift of a tasty looking and sparkly treat.

  10. The “egg” nog does look yummy. Was happy to stumble upon your blog. Sadly though, after pouring through your recipe list, very (very) few recipes are actually raw (or even high raw). So I am stumped as to why you would call your blog “choosingraw”. It is very misleading and frankly, inaccurate.

    • I think it would be misleading and inaccurate if I titled my blog “my all-raw lifestyle,” “100% raw foodist” or even “raw living.” I titled it “choosing raw” to imply that one can choose to eat raw by degrees: by adding more raw meals, raw ingredients, so-called superfoods, and raw techniques to vegan food prep. I do use quite a few all-raw ingredients in my recipes, and many of my recipes are all or high raw. As are most of my meals, but this blog is devoted to everything I eat, not just the raw stuff. The goal is to show people how to integrate a very high number of raw meals into a lifestyle that continues to include cooked grains, legumes, and vegetables as well.

  11. Happy holidays mate, and thanks for this awesome recipe. Something I can enjoy with comfort in snowy Canada {I just moved here from Australia}
    And happy new year!

  12. Just dropping by to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you!! Your blog is something that I always look forward to reading. Your wit, intelligence and insight are always inspiring to me. Have an awesome break girl! You rock and you deserve it. <3

    • Ali,

      I look forward just as much to your wonderful insights in my comments section!


      • I second Ali’s comment. Plus your always modest replies to our compliments are one more reason why you are such an extraordinary, loveable blogger and friend! Merry Christmas, Gena!

  13. I love the goblet shaped glasses, too! This looks like a delicious recipe – I can’t stand regular eggnog but this one I could tolerate ๐Ÿ˜€

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Gena, your nog is gorgeous…both the recipe and the photos. These are some of your prettiest photos…so “moody” (in a good way)…the photos really put me IN the holiday, in the mood, in the spirit and vibe of it all…and beautiful goblets, too!

    Happy holidays and safe travels as you do the New York shuffle from place to place!

  15. I’m always up for another sort of eggless nog- Yours sounds like a nice balance between decadent and healthy. Happy Holidays, Gena!

  16. I’ve seen a lot of eggnog recipes today but this one easily sounds the best!

  17. Sipping on a banana raw eggnog now! But Bourbon sounds like a GREAT addition. They had Bourbon Slushie Punch at our holistic pet food/supply store place today, it rocked.