Sweet Sustenance Smoothie from Crazy Sexy Juice
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Sweet Sustenance Smoothie | Crazy Sexy Juice

I know I’m generalizing big time, but I sort of feel as though there are two categories of smoothies: the super green/fruity variety, and the super creamy variety (which usually involve rich nut milks, nuts or nut butters, avocado, and sometimes even dessert flavors, like chocolate, cinnamon, and vanilla).

I like both types of smoothies, and I like the hybrids and crossovers. But if I had to pick, I’d say I have a preference for creamier smoothies, and even when I’m making a smoothie that’s very green indeed, I’m likely to use nut milk as a base, or throw in a hunk of avocado, or whatnot.

The smoothie you see above is exceptionally rich and creamy, thanks to a combination of rolled oats, nut milk, and nut butter. Both soluble fiber (which rolled oats provide abundantly) and fats help to slow digestion and keep us fuller, longer, so the promise of “satiety” here is quite sincere. Beyond this, the smoothie is delicious, a combination of banana, almond butter, and cinnamon that feels awfully evocative of banana bread batter. And I mean that in the best of ways.


The recipe is from Kris Carr’s awesome new book, Crazy Sexy Juice, which just published this week. I feel especially connected to this title, as I was lucky enough to work with Kris on some of the recipe development. It was a fun, creative, and exciting process.

The book features 100 nut milks, juices, and smoothies. In addition to some of the classic combinations you might expect–like chocolate avocado, or a standard green lemonade–you’ll find a lot of really creative combinations, which feature different herbs and spices and unexpected vegetables and fruits. I love the C-Bomb, which features cucumber, celery, ginger, cabbage and apple, and in spite of my preference for super creamy blends, I was delightfully surprised by the light and bright “easygoing green” smoothie, which features banana, mango, coconut water, avocado, parsley, and kale.


In addition to all of this, the book includes a wealth of practical information, such as:

● Tips on saving money
● Timesaving tips for juicing and blending on the go
● Solutions for inflammation, digestive issues & folks with chronic disease
● Instruction on how to choose, store and prepare produce and ingredients
● Energy boosting recipes
● Troubleshooting for common blending and juicing queries
● Information on to choose the best juicer, blender, and kitchen tools for every budget
● Words of wisdom on how to get the whole family involved with making healthy blends and elixirs

It also features a super thorough and useful produce guide, information on buying organic, and tons of inspiration guidance, all delivered in Kris’ warm, loving, and sisterly voice. This is a juice and smoothie book, but it’s also a rich and enthusiastic resource for living well, for transitioning to a more plant-based diet, and for figuring out what your body needs to thrive.

The book is also beautiful to look at, thanks to gorgeous images from Kate Lewis. For those of you who don’t know Kate’s work, she’s an awesome vegan photographer who’s responsible for the images in Street Vegan and many of the images in Isa Does It, among other titles. The images here will make you eager to grab a straw and dive into each and every refreshing recipe.

I’ll let you start with the heavenly Sweet Sustenance blend.

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Sweet Sustenance Smoothie from Crazy Sexy Juice

Author - Gena Hamshaw


  • 1 banana frozen
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon lucuma powder
  • 1 1/2 cups nondairy milk of choice


  • Wash and prep all ingredients.
  • Blend and serve.

Now, the fun part. Kris is offering one US or Canadian reader of The Full Helping a chance to win his or her own free copy of Crazy Sexy Juice!

The giveaway will run for two weeks, as usual, and you can enter below to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, folks!

…and happy Friday. I look forward to weekend reading, as always.


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Categories: Recipes, Smoothies, Snacks
Method: Blender
Dietary Preferences: Gluten Free, No Oil, Raw, Soy Free, Vegan
Recipe Features: 30 Minute or Less, Quick & Easy

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  1. Juices in the nights and early mornings! Smoothies otherwise. This creamy smoothie looks perfect for my kids.

  2. Usually smoothies as a meal, but I do love both! They each have their own benefits and uses. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the giveaway; so excited for this book!

  3. Smoothies, for sure. They’re so much easier to make and I find it easier to experiment with them!

  4. I am much more of a smoothie person, mostly because I am too lazy to clean a juicer. I use to work at a juice bar so I use to take full advantage of having an industrial sized machine, but I miss it now that I don’t work there.

  5. I am a smoothie girl as I like to eat my smoothies in a bowl with lots of fun toppings!

  6. I am more so a smoothie fan. I am 20 weeks pregnant and REALLY enjoying my version of a pina colada which consists of Bai5 Coconut, milk, bananas, and pineapple. I am always concocting smoothies and would love to get this book to broaden my horizons even more!

  7. I love both! For hungry Lia I love smoothies, or after serious physical exertion, or when I’m needing a pick me up, definitely juices.

  8. Smoothie! I love juices, but I don’t have a juicer anymore, and I can’t say I miss it too much. Me and my blender though…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Smoothies! Partially because I don’t have a juicer but also because I like how filling they are.

  10. I prefer smoothies as I don’t have a juicer and I, like you also prefer the creamier type of smoothies but I really do love them both!

  11. Smoothies all the way! If only because cleaning my juicer takes roughly 8572835 years.

  12. I love this smoothie recipe! I’ve got to be more creative and go for it! Love your beautiful site too ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Haha, I totally have 2 categories of smoothies, but mine are green & dessert ;p
    This smoothie sounds really good – extra creamy (which I also prefer for the most part). I’ve never tried throwing oats into a smoothie – I’ll give this one a try!

  14. I like smoothies as meal replacer and juice when traveling or feel like I”ve overindulged too much.

  15. Ooooh…I couldn’t choose! I love smoothies with all the superfood add-ins and extracts and fun flavors. But I adore fresh juices! Both, please!

  16. smoothies all the way! breakfast every morning… I don’t care if it’s getting cold out… I can’t live without my green smoothie bowls haha

  17. I like either…it depends on my mood. But really probably my favorite it a hybrid…I like making a pretty thin smoothie that is almost juice like in consistency by still has some fiber and staying power!

  18. What an awesome giveaway, I LOVE Khris Carr and have all of her books, fingers crossed I am winning this one!!
    I also am a big fan of creamy smoothies, this one is very similar to one I make myself, like I said: love, love love Khris’ books and learned a lot from her!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

  19. Sounds so delish. Can’t wait to try it! Such a fan of Kris Carr. Thanks for sharing, Amanda.

  20. Smoothies when I want something to sustain me; juice went I feel like my body needs nutrients.

  21. LOVE smoothies!!! I agree with the 2 categories – and I love the creamy ones when I’m craving sweets!!

  22. I like juice, but prefer smoothies because they can be a meal, and because cleaning the blender is less of a hassle than cleaning the juicer!

  23. I love how filling, satisfying, and on-the-go a big creamy can be. Smoothie over juice any day!

  24. I prefer smoothies over juices both because I love the texture better and the fiber content!

  25. I actually had a juicer years ago and would make my boys a lemon, orange and other things ( I forget) when I noticed they were starting a cold. This always did the trick. Now, I make smoothies. I prefer them.

  26. I prefer smoothies and have one everyday for breakfast and sometimes for lunch too! My favorite is banana, cacao powder, almond butter and almond milk. Very filling and satisfies my chocolate cravings ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. I like green juices and banana-nut milk smoothies best when i’m hungover <3

  28. My daughter has really gotten into smoothies. I think she has mostly tried green but I’m sure she would be interested in trying the creamy ones!

  29. I have a smoothie wvery single day as a way to stay well, feel my best, and take in loads of produce at one time. However, juice has always been the end all be all of self care items for me aside from smoothies. I use it as the true medicine it is, and can’t imagine parting with my juicer or blender. Kris was a huge reason for my love and appreciation for juice, and I will always be grateful for how she has chosen to share her story with the world. Would love to win this book! Thanks, Gena!!

  30. I like smoothies for breakfast the best. But, I do some juices, too. They are all good! Make you feel so alive and well!!

  31. I like juice and smoothies pretty equally ๐Ÿ™‚ But you can never go wrong with a great chocolate smoothie.

  32. I prefer both juices and smoothies, sometimes you need a juice and it’s so satisfying. Other times, I like the thicker consistency of a smoothie!

  33. HI Gena, the smoothie and the book both sound really good. I usually don’t make smoothies for myself but this sounds like a great primer. I like that it addresses solutions for those with digestive issues, among other things. Great you got to help work on it! xo

  34. I prefer smoothies because they’re so much easier to make (and clean up). But I love juices too!

  35. It depends on how full I want to feel and if I want more of a meal – both juices and smoothies are great for different purposes!

  36. I am a huge smoothie fan! Recently, I have been waking up to a big oat, almond butter, and nut milk smoothie. I love how this combination resembles a cake batter-like flavor