Weekend Reading, 4.12.15
April 12, 2015

Weekend Reading | The Full Helping

Happy Sunday, everyone–and happy Greek Easter to those of you who celebrate! As planned, I whipped up some of my vegan avgolemono last night, and I’m already eager for leftovers. Steven, who was new to the world of this lemony soup, loved it, which made happy.

And now I’m being made happy by the following recipe inspiration–so much talent and beauty int his week’s bunch!


Let’s start with something sweet. If you’re stumped on what to make for a Sunday breakfast today, I’d say you should look no further than these decadent, fluffy vegan and gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes from The Vegan 8.


I’m a sucker for a great condiment, and this week, Rika’s gochujang mayo caught my attention over at Vegan Miam. Not to mention her super colorful bowls, pictured above!


There are not too many things I would like to eat more than Erin’s tandoori sweet potatoes. They are beautiful and flavorful and have I mentioned that I’d really, really like to eat them?


These Moroccan quinoa stuffed peppers from Port and Fin are calling to me; I love all of the spices and flavorings, and the finished dish is so vibrant! Just use cashew cheese in place of the suggested goat cheese garnish to make ’em vegan.


Finally, some super delicious and super easy vegan black bean and corn tacos from Show Me the Yummy. Perfect for a quick weeknight supper!


1. I think that awe is a pretty wonderful emotion, and I’m glad to learn that–at least according to one new study–it’s also pretty good for you. Article via The New York Times.

2. An impassioned, comprehensive, galvanizing article about continuing inequities in health care around the world from the ever-inspiring Paul Farmer. I read Mountains Beyond Mountains right before I started my post-bacc, and the book had a big impact on me (as I know it does on many pre-meds). I’m so glad that Farmer continues his tireless work for patients around the globe, both as a physician and an activist.

3. A federal panel that helps set federal dietary guidelines is recommending Americans eat less meat. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a federally appointed panel of nutritionists created in 1983, decided for the first time this year to consider the environment and sustainability in its guidelines. The panel concluded that a diet lower in animal foods is not only healthier, but better for the planet.

Their report, which was created with the input and assistance of two domestic sustainability experts, says that “the average U.S. diet has a larger environmental impact in terms of increased greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water use and energy use than the healthy dietary pattern it suggests — one that’s rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, seafood, legumes and nuts; moderate in low- and non-fat dairy products and alcohol; and lower in red and processed meat, sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, and refined grains.”

It also noted that, “The organically grown vegan diet also had the lowest estimated impact on resources and ecosystem quality, and the average Italian diet had the greatest projected impact,” according to the report. “Beef was the single food with the greatest projected impact on the environment; other foods estimated to have high impact included cheese, milk, and seafood.”

The committee’s report says people should eat less red and processed meat because it contains saturated fats, which when over-consumed can lead to cardiovascular disease, and instead recommends Americans eat more vegetables and nuts. Both the United States Department of Health and Humane Services (HHS) and the USDA will be reviewing and responding to the report later this year.

4. Awesome coverage of the dairy-free cheese trend on NPR. So glad to see so many great vegan brands mentioned!

5. Finally, a cool article, via Quartz, about a new bean hybrid that can withstand heat–and possibly serve as a solution for those in developing countries who rely upon legumes as staple crops, but fear droughts and famines as global warming continues.

On that note, I wish you all a lovely Sunday. Excited to share more food and musings in the coming week.


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  1. I am a recent follower of your blog and I absolutely love the weekend reading segments. I can spend hours searching the blogosphere for interesting and relevant content to health and wellness, and you always put together something that I am happy to sit down and read through. Thanks!

  2. Such a cool list!
    Erin hasgot my vote this week with her sweet potato. Awesome!

    I must confess I always worry a bit about us humans modifying crop. I know the intention is good but there always seems to be a consequence in terms of digestion and nutrients as well as on the soil and environment. Fingers crossed this one is a good one 🙂

  3. Oh man, those pancakes! And tacos. I’ve been on a huge taco kick lately!

  4. Thank you so much Gena for linking to my pancakes! That was so kind of you to share! I hope you get a chance to try them. Everything looks delicious and thank you for sharing the articles

  5. Those tandoori sweet potatoes look SO good!! As always, this was such a great weekend reading post!

  6. Thanks Gena! Another great weekend reading. I think I might play with an oil free version of that gochujang mayo, since I already make my own paste. And I LOVED the NYT article about awe–just shared it on my facebook page! A very happy Greek Easter to you! 🙂 xo

  7. As an RD-to-be and a vegan, I am of course thrilled to see the committee recommending eating less meat. What I can’t understand is how they can say “eat less beef” because of environmental concerns, but then heavily promote seafood consumption? Like you pointed out above, they recommend a diet “rich in seafood”, but then go on to state seafood has a “high impact” on environmental resources. Let’s be consistent here, the most sustainable diet is low in animal products, period.

    I know, I know, baby steps. Overall I am happy. But still…….

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