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Hello, friends. Happy Sunday, and thanks for all of the enthusiasm for Richa’s book on Friday! Keep those giveaway entries coming. Steven and I are winding up a few weekends of day trips and overnights with family, and I’m in the midst of two big work projects and my first RD class (Food Safety and Management–not the most scintillating, but at least it’s going quickly). All in all, it feels as though June is flying by, and I’m hoping that I’ll have a…

Greetings from Austin! This final VVC has been a bittersweet journey so far — full of good food and good friends (as always), but tinged with the knowledge that it’s the last conference of its kind. I’m hopeful that something a lot like it will emerge before too long. In the meantime, I’ve had a wonderful time attending panels. Big themes this year have been feminism, social media/marketing, and how the vegan community deals with health information and the phenomenon of ex-vegans. Ginny…

When I woke up this morning, just before 6, I immediately started to slide my feet out of bed. I was feeling more foggy than usual, thanks to my allergies, and I started to run through the day’s schedule and to-do list. What time were my clients scheduled for? How many meal plans were on the docket for that morning? Where was I with my freelance projects, and did I have any substantive writing to do this afternoon? A moment or so later,…

As I was drafting this post today, I looked at the date and realize that May is, amazingly, more than halfway over. This spring–this year, really–seems to be flying by. I had so many goals for my blog in 2015, and one of them was to put more of myself into each and every post, to invest my words with the kind of candor and intimacy that (I think) characterized my blog when I first started blogging. But it’s a sad fact that…

Hello all! Happy Sunday, and happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms reading. I look forward to giving my own mom a big hug later today. In the meantime, here are the recipes and reads that have caught my eye this morning. To begin, a light and colorful superfood salad. Berry, arugula, and quinoa salad with lemon chia dressing from Floating Kitchen. Another salad, this one hearty and rustic and full of texture: roasted red pepper, cauliflower, walnut, and buckwheat salad from the lovely…

Happy Sunday, friends! I’m returning to New York right now from Pennsylvania, where I was lucky enough to celebrate a dear friend’s wedding yesterday. I hope you’ve all enjoyed some sunshine and rest in the last two days. Here are the recipes and read that have kept me company over the course of weekend travels. To begin, a colorful and enticing bowl of chia and buckwheat porridge from Maike of Elderflower Kitchen. Speaking of colorful bowls, I absolutely love this easy recipe for…

Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you’ve all had restful weekends so far. Big thanks to those of you who entered my Oriya Organics giveaway on Friday. (If you missed it, I’m giving away protein and green powder and sharing a tasty new energy ball recipe–check it out!) I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on, but at the moment I’m sipping my coffee and catching up on my weekend reading. Read with me, will you? First, a lunch wrap that would…

Each Sunday, I publish a post that includes personal musings and articles on medicine, science, and the human experience. These are reminders that health and wellness extend far beyond what's on our plates.